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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Retest/Challenge
    • If I fail a test, how soon can I retest?
      • A student is eligible to retest after 20 business days from the original exam date.
    • What is the difference between retesting and challenging an exam?
      • Retest: If a person completes course work, however fails the exam; that person would be eligible for retesting.
      • Challenge: If a person has completed applicable required courses and is NAS Level I certified, CR or NE certified, and loses their certification based on an unavoidable situation, i.e. military duty, illness, change in position, that person would be eligible for challenging each applicable exam.
      • Failure: If either a retest or challenged test is failed, the person is required to complete the applicable course for which they failed the test.
      • Test Location: Persons who retest or challenge are required to do so at the federal FMCSA division office; the exam is to be proctored by federal personnel. Changes to the location for retest/challenge will be considered based on a case-by-case basis.
      • Request: Retest/challenge requests are to be made by the State Point of Contact through their FMCSA Division Administrator (for State personnel) or the appropriate FMCSA Division Office or Headquarters supervisor (for Federal personnel) using the attached form. Upon review and approval the request should be emailed to the mailbox for further processing.
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  • Course Materials
    • When will materials be shipped?
      • Materials are generally shipped two weeks prior to the start of the course. Exams and answer sheets are shipped the Friday before the course starts.
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  • Online Signup
    • How do I submit a Schedule Intake Form online?
      • In order to submit your Schedule Intake Form online:
        1. You will need to log into the system. The log in link is found near the upper right hand corner of the screen.
        2. Go to the Course Catalog. The link to the Course Catalog can be found in navigation links on the left hand side of your screen.
        3. The Course Catalog lists all the courses. Select the course you want to submit a Schedule Intake Form for by clicking on the relevant link.
        4. This will take you to the Course description page. At the bottom of the course description you will see a link to submit a Schedule Intake Form Online.
        5. Fill out the form. Be sure to complete all required fields, and follow any prompts you receive.
        6. When you are finished, click on the Submit SI button. You will see a confirmation screen, and a notification email will be sent to the Course Point of Contact that you indicated on the form.
        7. Download Intake form webinar training here.
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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590 • 1-800-832-5660 • TTY: 1-800-877-8339 • Field Office Contacts