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AVS Historical Book Collection


Welcome to Information Resources, your gateway to the library's online catalog, physics and engineering databases, electronic journals and scientific information resources, full-text Jlab publications, professional paper preparation information, and records management assistance!

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See "Whats New!":
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**AIP Proceedings Alert**

Need Particle accelerator proceedings...

Made possible by the members of IEEE, is an award-winning, Internet-based television network which produces and delivers special-interest programming about technology and engineering. On you will find a library of more than 800 programs on such topics as wind power, biomedical engineering, recycling computers, electronic products and much more. Click here to view.

We also have many new open access full text articles on vendor sites.  Look for the word "open access" or "openurl".

Library News:

The library currently has ownership and perpetual access to the Institute of Physics Digital Archives and the American Institute of Physics Archives, from its conception (see links to the right). The Library also has access to approximately 2800 papers from the Optics Society of America's Topical Meetings. We will soon be able to view 100,000 high-quality images from a selection of OSA journals for research from our new collection, Optics Image Bank.

Mycopy - Springer can provide a personal copy of any e-book that we have purchased (2005 - 2008) as long as it is a Springer imprint/publication and, not longer than 800 pages. Users pay only $24.00 per copy. See the Mycopy icon at the top of the specific Springer link page. For an example page click here:

Online journal titles (link in left column) now have a date range/coverage period that tells you what we subscribe to and what is available for you to download.

Newly Purchased Books and documents:- (Check status in catalog)
*1) CRC Handbook to Chemistry and Physics has been renewed (please link in right column)
2) Three CRC electronic eBooks under the CRCNetBase link to the right. The books are listed on the CRC
website and are accessible:
     a) Handbook of Nonlinear Optics by Richard Sutherland
     b)100 years of superconductivity
     c) Fundamentals of Laser Micro-machining*
*3) Nuclear Physics of Stars by Christian Iliadis (arriving by December 15, 2012)
4) Time Reversibility, Computer Simulation, Algorithms, Chaos (Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics), by William G Hoover.
5) Two documents from NTIS: Analysis of stresses in bellows: Part 1 - Design Criteria and test results and Part 2 - Mathematical.
6) VBA and Macros: Microsoft Excel 2010, by Bill Jelen, Tracy Syrstad.
7) Atlas of Time-Temperature Diagrams for Nonferrous Alloys
8) Nuclear Magnetism: order and disorder, International series of monographs in physics.
9) Interactive Quantum Mechanics: Quantum Experiments on the computer.
10) Reviews of Accelerator Science and Technology" by Chao, Alexander W. (Volumes 2-4)
11) Standards for Testing methods for tension testing of Metallic Materials: ASTM E8/E8M 2011, ASTM E9 2009, ASTM E111.