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Student Visas

The United States of America welcomes international students.  We recommend that you visit these websites for greater information on how to apply for admission to a U.S. college, university or other educational institution:

International Students: F-1 and M-1 Visas

Once you have gained admission to an educational institution, you must process your student visa.  F-1 visas (academic or language studies) and M-1 visas (vocational studies) are to attend an educational institution and carry a full-time load of courses.

It is very important that you apply for your visa with enough time in advance, we recommend a minimum one month before your travel plans.  Also take into consideration that Embassies and Consulates can only issue student visas within a 120-day period in advance of the beginning of the course of study (noted in the I-20).  For example, if your course of study begins September 1 and you present your application April 1, your visa application will be left pending until your visa can be issued around the beginning of June.

Relevant Information for International Students