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Press Releases 2008

United States Commemorates its Veterans

Mexico City, November 11, 2008

Statement by Ambassador Antonio O. Garza

Speaking at the annual Veterans Day ceremony held today at the Mexico City U.S. National Cemetery, Ambassador Garza urged Americans to honor all American veterans for their dedicated and loyal service to their country. The following represents the remarks made by Ambassador Antonio O. Garza, Jr. on the occasion of Veterans Day:

“1918. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The Great War in Europe ended. That is the origin of Veterans Day. Since 1957, we in the United States have focused not just on the World Wars or those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of the United States. We remember all those who have served our nation in uniform, in times of war and peace, in conflicts great and small.

“We honor men and women who looked to the future -- who donned a uniform and left the comfort of home, but then came home, laid their uniforms aside, and built new lives to make the United States a better place and ensure that our ideals of life, liberty and happiness remain rooted in reality.

“On this day, when we honor all those who defended the American people, we thank our Veterans for their service.

“We are grateful, too, to our Mexican partners with whom we have fought side-by-side, including in the Philippines during World War II when the Aztec Eagles helped liberate the island of Luzon. Today, American and Mexican forces continue to fight a common enemy, although in the 21st century, we find that the world has grown smaller, and all countries are faced with the threat of terrorism, and the scourge of transnational organized crime.

“Now, both Mexico and the United States must confront not only terrorism, but the threat known as ‘narco-trafficking’. Together, we share the Herculean task of ensuring this threat doesn’t diminish the safety and freedom for which our veterans of past and present conflicts so gallantly fought, and that we continue to enjoy to this very day.”

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