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Newsroom » Fact Sheets

Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention

Community-Based Crime and Violence Prevention

The reduction of crime and violence is one of the biggest challenges facing El Salvador today. In a nation with one of the highest per-capita rates of violent crime in the world, crime and violent acts tragically affect the lives of citizens on a daily basis, and diminish possibilities for economic development by deterring investment in the country’s progress. [Find out more...]
Improving the Justice System Project

Improving the Justice System Project

[2010-06-01] An efficient and fair criminal justice system serves as a strong deterrent for criminal activity. In recent years, El Salvador has seen an unprecedented rise in crime and violence. [Find out more...]
Transparency and Governance Project

Transparency and Governance Project

[2010-06-01] A transparent and accountable government is one of the core pillars of a truly democractic society. Around the world, governments and civil society face the challenge of reducing corruption in order to devote more economic resources to social initiatives. [Find out more...]
Improved Management and Conservation of Critical Watersheds

Improved Management and Conservation of Critical Watersheds

[2010-06-01] El Salvador has lost much of its biodiversity and natural resources, a fact which affects the health of Salvadorans, leaves the country vulnerable to natural disasters, complicates important services such as water supply and erosion control, and affects the livelihood of populations who directly depend on these natural resources. [Find out more...]
Tax Administration Reform Program

Tax Administration Reform Program

[2010-06-01] Taxes provide income that the government needs to invest in education, health, infrastructure, and other social programs. In order for all Salvadorans to benefit from the income generated by trade and economic development, an efficient and fair tax system is essential. [Find out more...]
Health Care Improvement Program

Health Care Improvement Program

[2010-06-01] Quality health services are a crucial component for development, as they allow citizens to lead healthy, productive lives [Find out more...]
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Last Updated on 2010-06-01