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Press Releases 2010

OFAC removes eight individuals

On September 1, 2010, the Treasury Department’s OFAC removed eight individuals (all Colombian nationals) from the list of Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers pursuant to Executive Order 12978.

Alicia Mondragon Avila
Julio Cesar Muñoz Cortes
Diego Hernando Peñalosa Camargo
Maria del Pilar Restrepo Cano
Ruben Dario Restrepo Hernandez
Claudia Pilar Rodriguez Ramirez
Elsa Yaneth Trivino Rodriguez
Adriana Vargas Duque

No companies were removed from the OFAC sanctions list today, only the eight individuals. Seven of these individuals went through the standard administrative review process and provided OFAC with sufficient evidence to prove that they terminated their involvement with the designated individuals and entities that led them to be included in the first place.  One of the individuals, Claudia Pilar Rodriguez Ramirez, is a member of the RODRIGUEZ OREJUELA family which signed an Agreement with the U.S. Government in September 2006 in which she agreed to forfeit and/or divest of “forfeitable property” that has been financed in whole or in part with narcotics proceeds, including any companies in which she was designated with on the OFAC sanctions list. 

Since she has now complied with the terms of the September 2006 Agreement, OFAC has now removed her name from the sanctions list. 

OFAC has removed over 350 individuals and entities that have previously been designated under Executive Order 12978 since October 1995 under the administrative review process.