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Climate Change Indicators in the United States

Key Findings
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  • The Climate Change Indicators information on this website is drawn from the 2012 edition of the print report. A printable PDF of the 2012 report, earlier versions, and technical documentation are available on the download page.
  • Order print copies of the report or send inquires by emailing climateindicators@epa.gov.

The Earth's climate is changing. Temperatures are rising, snow and rainfall patterns are shifting, and more extreme climate events—like heavy rainstorms and record high temperatures—are already affecting society and ecosystems. Scientists are confident that many of the observed changes in the climate can be linked to the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, caused largely by people burning fossil fuels to generate electricity, heat and cool buildings, and power vehicles.

EPA is working with many other organizations to better understand the causes and effects of climate change. With help from these partners, EPA has compiled a set of 26 indicators tracking signs of climate change. Most of these indicators focus on the United States, but some include global trends to provide context or a basis for comparison. These indicators represent a selected set of key climate change measurements, and are not an exhaustive group of all climate change indicators. EPA's indicators are based on peer-reviewed data from various government agencies, academic institutions, and other organizations. EPA selected these indicators based on the quality of the data and other criteria.

Use this site to learn more about EPA's indicators related to greenhouse gases, weather and climate, oceans, snow and ice, and society and ecosystems.

Indicators from the 2012 Report

Basic Information Greenhouse Gas Emissions Science What EPA is Doing What You Can Do
blank Overview of Gases Causes of Climate Change Evaluating Policy Options,
Costs, and Benefits
At Home
Newsroom Sources of Emissions Indicators of Climate Change Regulatory Initiatives On the Road
blank Global Data Future Climate Change Voluntary Programs In the Office
Related Links National Data blank Partnering with States, Localities, and Tribes At School
blank Facility Data blank Partnering Internationally blank
Glossary Individual Calculator Climate Change Impacts and Adapting to Change blank Climate Connections
blank blank blank blank Clean Energy
Students' Site blank blank blank Climate and Transportation
blank blank blank blank Climate and Water
blank blank blank blank EPA Climate Science Research

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