December 17, 2012

Housing our most vulnerable homeless population

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Homelessness affects thousands of people across our Nation.  Many may think that homelessness is impossible to solve.  Not true.  As long as we come together as a country and combine federal resources with those at the local level, ending homelessness IS within our reach. The 100K Homes Campaign is a grassroots movement bringing communities together [...]

October 24, 2012

Community Development from the Ground Up

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Community development is a key component in meeting HUD’s goal of improving quality of life for all Americans. In Denver, there has been a concerted effort to become more deliberate in meeting the housing needs of the community. Whether it’s for ending homelessness, supporting veterans, or boosting the local economy, HUD’s Community Planning and Development [...]

October 16, 2012

Open your eyes to homelessness

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They say homelessness is invisible, largely because most folks choose not to see it.  I recall that old Roy Orbison ballad “Pretty Paper,” which tells the story of busy holiday shoppers consumed with their own lives, blind to the homeless man on the sidewalk right in front of them.  Today, in the pages of the [...]

September 14, 2012

Joining Together to End Veterans’ Homelessness

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Last night two incredible teams were honored with the prestigious Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal by the Partnership for Public Service at a gala in Washington, D.C.  One team comes from HUD and the another from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.  Along with Mark Johnston, HUD’s team includes Ann Oliva, Acting Deputy Assistant [...]
