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stick figure running from tsumani wave Care Provider Responds to Tsunami Danger Predictions
Lake Erie water snake Sea Grant Researcher Featured on Dirty Jobs
Great Lakes
fish caught on fishing rod Consortium Boosts Local Fishing Economy by $13 Million
NJ habitat saved NJ Sea Grant Receives Governor's Environmental Award
invasive species common reed Sea Grant Mounts Broad Offensive on Invasive Species
GeoAmbiente and its producer, Maria Falcon
Sea Grant TV Program Wins Four Emmy Awards
The Puerto Rico Sea Grant-sponsored television program, GeoAmbiente, won four Emmys at the Suncoast Chapter’s annual Emmy awards night. GeoAmbiente, which airs weekly on WIPR, Puerto Rico’s PBS affiliate, provides information about the wise use and conservation of coastal and marine resources in Puerto Rico. Full Story

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Law Center

Law Center: Coastal Case Alert Monthly Updates
The Case Alert is a monthly listserv highlighting recent court decisions impacting ocean and coastal resource management. For more information please visit the Sea Grant Law Center.
National Sea Grant Library

November 2006 Sea Grant publications now available
The latest listing of new Sea Grant publications available from the National Sea Grant College Program can be found at the National Sea Grant Library.

Regional Highlights Continued....

Pacific: Care Provider Responds to Tsunami Danger Predictions

Sea Grant extension agents and partners brought together scientists and citizens to share vital information about earthquakes and tsunamis. A total of 25 classes were offered. The 350 attendees included local leaders and emergency managers, builder and realtor associations, critical facilities planners, human service providers and youth groups. As a result of Sea Grant's prediction of danger, a director of several non-profit group care homes for the disabled adopted a policy to relocate residents to facilities outside of the tsunami inundation zone. This policy change protects the residents and staff of the corporation, and indicates a shift in public behavior from awareness to action. Sea Grant partnered with Oregon State University faculty researchers, local emergency managers, the American Red Cross, the Oregon Emergency Management, the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, and NOAAs National Weather Service to host the classes.
More Pacific News (AK CA [CA,USC] HI OR SC WA)

Great Lakes: Sea Grant Researcher Featured on Dirty Jobs

Kristin Stanford, a resident researcher at Ohio State's Stone Lab on Lake Erie's Gibraltar Island, studies the endangered Lake Erie water snake. Stanford catches, weighs, and induces the snakes to vomit, then records their diet. Stanford was featured in the season premiere of the Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs. The snakes are a federally threatened species found only on the Lake Erie islands. Stanford's goal is to see the snakes removed from the endangered species list. "Filming Dirty Jobs was fun," according to the researcher. Stanford hopes it shows prospective Stone Lab students how interesting summer research can be. The lab attracts students each summer from all over the country to work on supervised, independent research projects.
More Great Lakes News (IL-IN MI MN NY OH PA VT WI)

Northeast: Consortium Boosts Local Fishing Economy by $13 million

New Hampshire Sea Grant staff led commercial fishermen as they competed successfully for $8 million in compensation for their involvement in collaborative research. NOAA/NMFS funds the Northeast Consortium, a regional partnership of fishermen, researchers and other stakeholders focused on cooperative research and the development of selective fishing gear technology. The Northeast Consortium has funded 160 projects in New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts, involving over 330 paid and volunteer fishermen and 180 scientists. According to a regional economic impact model, the cooperative efforts of the Northeast Consortium have produced $13 million to the local economy, sustaining 140 fishing jobs and 55 jobs in on-shore support industries.
More Northeast News (CT MA [MIT, Woods Hole] ME NH NY RI

Mid-Atlantic: NJ Sea Grant Receives Governor's Environmental Award

During a special ceremony in November, the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium (NJMSC) and its New Jersey Sea Grant College Program were recently honored with the 2006 Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award. The award, established in 2000 by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, recognizes outstanding environmental performance, programs and projects in the state. NJMSC was selected as the winner of the Healthy Ecosystem Award category for its Habitat Initiative. The project includes significant research, education and outreach that advance the science and practice of restoration ecology, and link habitat restoration to the secondary production of managed species and their forage base. The Initiative’s goals have helped make New Jersey a leader in restoration ecology, and contributed science-based policy for wetland management throughout the coastal United States. More than two dozen participating agencies and organizations contributed to the success of the project.
More Mid-Atlantic News (DE MD NC NJ VA)

Southeast: Sea Grant Mounts Broad Offensive on Invasive Species

South Carolina Sea Grant and partners are addressing the threat of invasive species through the Winyah Bay Focus Area Taskforce. The taskforce identified five new major invasive species: common reed, beach Vitex, giant reed, alligatorweed and water hyacinth. The taskforce also determined the geographical extent of the invasive plants; developed action management plans for control; conducted demonstration projects to compare specific chemical controls; developed a cost-share program for landowners to conduct control programs; and, held symposia on the latest biology and control information. As a result, several beach-front communities adopted ordinances to control invasives. In addition, two species-specific taskforces were formed, and several taskforces combined into the regional Carolinas Beach Taskforce. Other Winyah Bay Taskforce members and Sea Grant partners include Clemson University, the Nature Conservancy, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, the University of South Carolina, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and private industry and landowners.
More Southeast/Gulf/Caribbean News (FL GA LA MS-AL PR SC TX)

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