Protected Resources Division

The Protected Resources Division (PRD) is dedicated to protecting and recovering endangered and threatened species of sea turtles, monk seals and cetaceans as mandated by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). Through management, conservation and recovery efforts; and public outreach and education, the PRD strives to ensure the recovery and survival of the protected marine species of the Pacific Islands Region for future generations.

Management and Conservation to Promote Recovery
Appropriate regulations and management strategies are necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of human activities on protected species. Main PRD management issues include marine mammal and sea turtle injury and mortality as a result of commercial and non-commercial fishing, coastal development, military operations and other ocean/beach usage
Photo: Hawaiian monk seal in Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. PIFSC

Strandings and Response
The PRD guides the Marine Mammal Stranding Network (MMSN), working with various partners and volunteers to respond to live and dead stranded or distressed marine mammals in the main Hawaiian Islands under the authority of the MMPA.
Photo: Stranded Hawaiian spinner dolphin off Magic Island, Oahu

Outreach and Education
An informed public is integral to the protection and recovery of our protected species. The PRD works with various partners and stakeholders to create effective outreach messages, brochures, signs and volunteer programs.
Photo: Honu Guardian volunteer program at Laniakea beach, Oahu.

Contact Us
To report monk seal sightings:
Oahu: (808) 220-7802
Kauai: (808) 651-7668
Molokai: (808) 553-5555
Maui/Lanai: (808) 292-2372
Island of Hawaii
East: (808) 756-5961
West: (808) 987-0765 or

To report stranded / entangled marine mammals:

To report stranded / entangled sea turtles:
7AM-4PM (808) 983-5730
Weekends, holidays, after hours: (808) 288-5685 or 288-0023
Other Islands