Protected Resources

Protected Resources Outreach and Education

Photo: David Schofield, Marine Mammal Response Coordinator, demonstrates stranding response techniques.

Public support and understanding of conservation issues is inherent for the success of any environmental policy. And without public involvement, no conservation goal will ever be achieved.

Protected Resources uses the following methods to reach out, engage audiences, and educate about marine species protected by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA):

Networking with various partners and stakeholders to promote marine species conservation

Volunteer organizations

Members of the Kauai Monk Seal Conservation Hui volunteer organization watch over a seal pup and provide information to the public. Photo Mimi Olry

Public and school presentations

PRD Outreach and Education Specialist, Jen Metz, engages Jr. Lifeguard participants during a monk seal presentation.

Informational booths and displays

PRD Sea Turtle Biologist, Kim Maison, plays a protected resources awareness game with kids.

Fact sheets, brochures, and other educational materials

PRD partner organizations:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Fact Sheets

Hawaiian sea turtles Hawaiian monk seals Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin Species of Concern (SOC) Brochures and Posters

Natural History and Conservation of the Hawaiian Monk Seal brochure (Dec 2010, pdf 1.91 MB)

Hawaiian Hawksbill Sea Turtle brochure (Dec 2007, pdf 2MB)

Protect Dolphins brochure (April 2007, pdf 454.6kB)

Protect Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins brochure (June 2010, pdf 500kB)

A Day in the Life of a Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin poster (Feb 2007, pdf 534kB)