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Friday, February 15, 2013
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National Service Blog
Wordless Wednesday: National Day of Service Volunteers

Volunteers packed the D.C. Armory in Washington, DC, on Jan. 19, 2013, to participate in Dr. Martin Luther King Day of Service and National Day of Service activities. Participants assembled 100,000 care kits for Operation Gratitude and wrote letters to U.S. soldiers during the event. Watch this blog for more National Day of Service photos from around the nation.

Volunteers write letters to service men and women. DC Armory - National Day of Service - MLK Day 2013. (Corporation for National and Community Service Photo)
Vice President Joe Biden greets a Senior Corps volunteer during the National Day of Service and MLK Day of Service event at the D.C. Armory on Jan. 19, 2013. (Corporation for National and Community Service Photo)
A group of Senior Corps members from Washington takes a break to smile for the camera during the National Day of Service and MLK Day of Service event at the D.C. Armory on Jan. 19, 2013. (Corporation for National and Community Service Photo)
An AmeriCorps NCCC member speaks with Corporation for National and Community Service CEO Wendy Spencer during the National Day of Service and MLK Day of Service event at the D.C. Armory on Jan. 19, 2013. (Corporation for National and Community Service Photo)
A U.S. serviceman helps pack care packages during the National Day of Service and MLK Day of Service event at the D.C. Armory on Jan. 19, 2013. (Corporation for National and Community Service Photo)
An AmeriCorps member starts packing care kits during the National Day of Service and MLK Day of Service event at the D.C. Armory on Jan. 19, 2013. (Corporation for National and Community Service Photo)


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Serve on the MLK Day of Service
This weekend, Americans will join their neighbors in the National Day of Service and Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) encourages everyone to take some time during the holiday to make it “a day on, not a day off.
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Ready to Help with MLK Day and the National Day of Service?
Continuing a tradition he started at his first inauguration in 2009, President Barack Obama is calling on Americans all across the country to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and participate in the National Day of Service on Saturday, Jan. 19, 2013.
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Dr. King's Lesson: An Interview with Ruby Bridges
In 1960, when she was just 6 years old, civil rights leader Ruby Bridges was one of four children to integrate the public school system in New Orleans. Every day, she crossed a screaming mob to enter her classroom.
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Americans to Mark Weekend of Service, Address Local Challenges
Americans from all 50 states will join thousands of organizations and commit to service this weekend as the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service coincides with the 57th Presidential Inaugural and National Day of Service.
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MLK Drum Major Award Recognizes Unsung Leaders
In a sermon delivered nearly 55 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. described what he called the "Drum Major Instinct” to the congregation in Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church. The words he spoke that day were the inspiration for a national service award that recognizes leaders who give their time serving others but seldom seek the spotlight.
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Get Involved on the MLK Day of Service
One of the greatest things about the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is that when we pause to celebrate the life and accomplishments of the civil rights leader, we are also inspired to answer what he called life’s most persistent question: “What are you doing for others?” We can respond with action via MLK Day projects and National Day of Service activities surrounding the upcoming inauguration.
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Explore Dr. King's Legacy of Service
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the course of history and inspired us to build what he called "the beloved community." The King Legacy of Service video tells the story of how Dr. King's birthday evolved into a national day of service.
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A Man of Service: An Interview with John Lewis
At age 17, Congressman John Lewis was so inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. that he wrote a letter to King asking to meet him. Dr. King wrote back and sent Lewis a round-trip Greyhound bus ticket to meet with him.
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MLK Day: Inspiring the Spirit of Service
When asked how to best honor her husband, Coretta Scott King replied, "The greatest birthday gift my husband could receive is if people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds celebrated the holiday by performing individual acts of kindness through service to others." As the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service approaches on Jan. 21, 2013, teachers and students across the country are exploring the idea of service to others through an online curriculum created by the Corporation for National and Community Service and Scholastic.
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Service News Digest: CNCS In the News, MLK Day Edition
The Service News Digest is a regular feature on the Serve.Gov blog. In this series, we showcase news highlights that feature national service and Corporation for National and Community Service programs. Take a look at some of the great stories that had people talking recently.
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First and Second Families Participate in a National Day of Service
Today, President Obama, the First Lady, and Malia Obama volunteered at a local elementary school as part of a national day of service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King, who devoted his life to helping others, once said that “everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.”
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Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Through Service
Monuments are built to those who change the course of history. It is right and fitting that a memorial to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. now stands in the heart of our nation's Capital. Even as we renew our understanding of Dr. King's legacy by visiting this beautiful monument; we can honor the legacy of Dr. King by following his example, by serving and volunteering in our communities.
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A View from the Mountaintop: Honoring Dr. King Through Service
On March 16, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made his last visit to the city of Los Angeles. He used that occasion to deliver a speech calling for an end to poverty, and to build support for a Poor People's Campaign to demand jobs, health care and housing for the country's poor.
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MLK Day 2012: The Final Countdown
Thanks to so many of you, the momentum of the 2012 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is building and the results will be extraordinary! The MLK Day of Service shines a spotlight on service as a powerful force to bridge economic and social divides - today and throughout the year.
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Answering the Call After the Storm
Hurricane season is an anxious time for Americans living along the coastal regions of the United States. But when Tropical Storm Lee spread its destruction inland last September, volunteer leaders like Bruce Barney and Sharon Early made a difference in their community's recovery efforts. Their commitment led to their selection as 2012 Martin Luther King Drum Major for Service award recipients.
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Helping Those Who Need the Most: An Interview with Reverend Joseph Lowery
In this video, Reverend Lowery remembers his friend “Martin” and urges us to “look around and see who's not enjoying all the benefits that they should.” Reverend Lowery asks us, “How can we fill the gaps? How can we meet the needs of those who need the most?”
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Reason for the Day: An Interview with Harris Wofford
In this video, Wofford talks about his memory of Dr. Martin Luther King and the origin of MLK Day.
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A Man of Service: An Interview with John Lewis
At age 17, Congressman John Lewis was so inspired by Dr. King that he wrote a letter to King asking to meet him. Dr. King wrote back and sent Lewis a round-trip Greyhound bus ticket to meet with him.
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Americans Come Together in Service: MLK Day 2012
The Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday is a National Day of Service, and a time to re-commit ourselves to serving each other and our communities. This year, CNCS will shine a spotlight on the connection between service and economic opportunity, and promote the MLK Day of Service as the first of many opportunities throughout the year for Americans to come together and tackle critical challenges for the greater good.
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Celebrate the Drum Majors for Service in Your Community
On the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service this January, President Obama will recognize unsung heroes around the country who have answered the call to service. Inspired by Dr. King's historic speech on the Drum Major Instinct, the MLK Drum Majors for Service program --facilitated by the White House and the Corporation for National and Community Service -- welcomes the nomination of people in organizations and businesses who are serving their communities, often without recognition.
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DOT Joins GW University at Ballou High School for Service Project to Honor Martin Luther King
For several years now, volunteers from the Department of Transportation have observed the Martin Luther King holiday with "a day on, not a day off." And yesterday, many from DOT did so once again by working on a terrific beautification project at Ballou High School here in Washington, DC.
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Take the MLK 25 Challenge
On Monday January 17th 2011 hundreds of thousands of Americans participated in service projects across the country. From painting schools to serving meals to writing letters to troops, these dedicated volunteers made a positive difference in their communities.
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An Example of What Martin Luther King’s Birthday Should Be All About
Today the First Family honored Dr. Martin Luther King with a visit to Stuart Hobson Middle School, where they took part in a mentoring project organized by Greater DC Cares’ Mentoring Matters Initiative. The President said a few quick words:
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MLK 25 Challenge: What Are You Doing For Others?
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. devoted his life to the work of building a more just and equal society. While we have made great progress, we still have work to do to realize Dr. King’s dream. As Americans, that is a job for all of us – not just on MLK Day but throughout the year.
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MLK Drum Major for Service Honorees
This week we’ll be featuring a few of the stories of the MLK Drum Major for Service award honorees. MLK Drum Majors for Service are the helping hands who perform extraordinary everyday acts of service with reliability and commitment, but who seldom receive recognition. The awards were a chance for faith and community leaders to acknowledge and honor their service.
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Game On! InterroBang Missions for MLK Day
With the 25th Anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day fast approaching, the spirit of his work lives in the projects that you’re planning and the service that you’re doing. Wouldn’t it be great if you could make a difference in your community and share that experience with the world – just by playing a game? You can.
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MLK Day Action Guides: Blueprints for Service
During his lifetime, Dr. King set big goals, focused relentlessly on results, and achieved historic change. To meet today’s challenges, we need a new generation of citizens to take action to solve problems in their communities. Ten days from now, thousands of Americans will respond to that challenge as they serve their community on the 25th Anniversary of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Day of Service.
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Diverse Communities Serve on MLK Day
In less than two weeks, thousands of volunteers will be mobilized as part of MLK Day 2011. The nonprofit, faith-based, education, and national service communities are just a few of the diverse groups of people organizing projects around the country.
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What Are You Doing For Others?
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. devoted his life to advancing equality, social justice, and opportunity for all. He challenged us to build a more perfect union, and taught us that everyone has a role to play in making America what it ought to be.
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