General Information

Patrick Henry
Elementary School

Unit 29237
APO, AE 09102

Phone: (DSN)
Phone: (Civ)

Phone: (calling from USA)
Fax: Civ.
(No DSN Fax)

Office Hours: 0730 - 1600

Last updated: March 2011

General Information

Registration information can be found by Link Indicator Image clicking here.
Lunch menu information can be found by Link Indicator Image clicking here.
SIP information can be found by Link Indicator Image clicking here.
The school supply list can be found by Link Indicator Image clicking here.

Attendance - Be sure to check out DoDEA's new attendance policy!!

Regular attendance is an indication of the family's commitment to the importance of the child's education, and it is essential to reinforcing achievement in school. Excessive absence almost invariably results in poorer achievement.

Tardiness and Absences:

Students who arrive late: Student should report directly to the classroom unless they arrive after 0830 at which time they need to be signed in at the office.

Arrival and Dismissal:

Morning Arrival: Students should arrive no earlier than 0800. Parents will be notified if student continually arrives early. Weather permitting, students will line up outside.

End of School Day: Students are escorted by their teacher to the crosswalk and bus area. Due to congestion, parents are requested to wait for their children across the street or behind the barriers.

Release of students during the school day: A parent must report to the Main Office to sign out their dependent when the student needs to leave before the end of the school day. Written permission must be given by the parent or guardian for an alternate adult to pick up a child/children.

 Discipline / Rules

Discipline at Patrick Henry Elementary School is a cooperative undertaking between the student, the teacher, the parents, and the administration. A high standard of conduct is expected of all students.

Please read the Parent/Student Handbook for more information about programs used at PHES to encourage responsible student behavior.

Suspension from school may be the consequences for a major infraction of school rules: physical violence toward a student or adult, bringing a weapon or other dangerous object to school, playing with matches or fire in any form, activating a fire alarm, insubordination, use of profanity or vulgarity, and other serious acts of inappropriate behavior.

Dress Standards:

Students are expected to dress in a manner that is not offensive to others, not revealing, and does not cause distractions with the academic environment. The school principal reserves the right to make judgments concerning the "appropriateness" of items of clothing not addressed in the Parent/Student Handbook.

Prohibited Items:

Items that can generally cause injury or create situations which distract from the learning environment should not be brought to school. A list of examples can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook.


Homework is defined as assignments to be done outside the classroom to reinforce classroom instruction, increase understanding and retention, transfer and extend classroom instruction, prepare for class discussion and provide curriculum enrichment. It is DoDDS policy to assign homework, as appropriate, to all students capable of completing assignments independently. Guidelines for the amount of homework can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook.


All visitors to the school are to report to the Main Office. No visitors should go to any classroom for any reason without signing the logbook, obtaining a visitor's badge and clearing with the Main Office.

Classroom Visitation: It is encouraged that classroom visitations be arranged in advance with the teacher to ensure that the class is not at specials or engaged in an activity such as testing. Interruptions during classroom instructional time to discuss a student's academic program or to request information about your child's progress is not appropriate.

Conferences: Regular teacher / parent conferences are scheduled during the school year. It is also appropriate for parents to schedule a conference with a teacher whenever they have a concern about the child's progress.

Emergency Procedures

School Cancellations: In the even of inclement weather or other situations the Base Support Battalion Commander has the authority to close schools or announce the delay of busses. Please stay tuned to AFN: FM 104.6, AM1143 for school delays or closing announcements.

Emergency Dismissal: In the event of an emergency evacuations of the school, teachers will proceed with their students to designated areas. If a decision is made to send the children home, school officials with make group announcements at the Commissary, Hospital, etc with where students can be picked up. Individual parent notification will not be possible.

Emergency Dismissal Form: In early September, parents needed to complete an Early Dismissal Form. Please review your copy, and if necessary, update the information that you furnished the school. The form can be found on the forms Publications and Forms page.

Fire Alarms: In the event that the school must be evacuated due to fire, all teachers have been instructed to proceed with their students to a designated building stairwell. The stairwells will be temporary holding areas until it can be determined whether the children will be sent home or return to school. If a decision is made to send the children home, the "Emergency Dismissal" procedure listed above will be used.

PHES, Home of the Bobcats



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