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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
H H S Department of Health and Human Services

Health Resources and Services Administration

Data Warehouse

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Primary Health Care

The Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) funds Health Centers in underserved communities, providing access to high quality, family oriented, comprehensive primary and preventive health care for people who are low-income, uninsured or face other obstacles to getting health care. The data provided on this page through tools such as maps, reports and charts, are on grants for primary health care. This data is provided by BPHC.


Display high-level summary information about HRSA’s activities and can be used as a starting point for obtaining more detailed information.

[About the charts]

NOTE: White colored counties indicate no funding. Such counties may still receive funding from a block / formula grant, which is shown in the county of the state capital.


Visually explore HRSA-specific information, health resources and demographic data in geographic relation to one another.

Map Gallery – easy access to pre-formatted, non-interactive frequently-requested maps supplied in PDF format and are regenerated nightly with current data.

Primary Health Care

SimpleViewer requires JavaScript and the Flash Player. Get Flash

Help on Map Gallery features

Make a Map
  • Interactive Map Tool - The interactive Map Tool allows users to create a graphic presentation of the data contained in the HRSA Data Warehouse, and uses a map display to place the data in a geographic context. Help is available at Map Tool Help.


Select, sort, export and view available data by spreadsheet or preformatted reports.

Data Exploration and Reports

Report Tool - Data Exploration, Export and Formatted Reporting

  • Interactive Report Tool - The interactive Report Tool provides access to the most detailed information available. Users can select, extract, and save data for summarization, analysis, and reporting with tools such as a spreadsheet or database. Help is available at Report Tool Help. Get Printer-friendly version(PDF, approx. 400 KB) here.Adobe PDF icon


Easy way to search for information in the HRSA Data Warehouse.

Quick Access Tools
HRSA Data Warehouse Printed: Sunday, February 17, 2013 3:07:54 PM