United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Regulatory Process for Submitting/Reviewing Power Uprate Requests

The process for amending commercial nuclear power plant licenses and technical specifications related to power uprates is the same as the process used for other amendments; therefore, power uprate requests are submitted to NRC as license amendment requests. This process is governed by 10 CFR 50.90, 50.91 and 50.92.

After a licensee submits an application to change the power level at which it operates its plant, the NRC notifies the public, by issuing a public notice in the Federal Register, that the NRC is considering the application. The public has 30 days to comment on the licensee's request and 60 days to request a hearing. The NRC thoroughly reviews the application, any public comments, and any requests for hearings received from the public. After completing its review and considering and addressing any public comments and requests for hearings related to the application, the NRC issues its findings in a safety evaluation and notifies the public in another Federal Register notice of the NRC decision related to the application. On the basis of its findings, the NRC may approve or deny the request. Press releases are issued if a power uprate is approved.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012