United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Advanced Safety Evaluations for Levy County, Units 1 and 2 Application

The following table provides access to Advanced Safety Evaluations that the NRC has issued in connection with its review of the COL application that PEF submitted for Levy County, Units 1 & 2.

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Chapter Description Date
1 Introduction and Interfaces 09/15/11
2 Site Characteristics (All sections except 2.4, "Hydrologic Engineering") 09/01/11
Site Characteristics - 2.4 Hydrologic Engineering 09/12/11
Chapter 2 Figures, Part 1 of 3 10/11/11
Chapter 2 Figures, Part 2 of 3 10/11/11
Chapter 2 Figures, Part 3 of 3 10/11/11
Chapter 2 Tables 10/11/11
3 Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems 09/01/11
4 Reactor 03/29/11
5 Reactor Coolant System and Connected Systems 03/29/11
6 Engineered Safety Features 03/30/11
7 Instrumentation and Controls 06/08/11
8 Electric Power 06/30/11
9 Auxiliary Systems 06/30/11
10 Steam and Power Conversion 03/29/11
11 Radioactive Waste Management 08/10/11
12 Radiation Protection 06/08/11
13 Conduct of Operations 08/09/11
14 Initial Test Program 07/29/11
15 Accident Analysis 06/08/11
16 Technical Specifications 06/08/11
17 Quality Assurance 06/08/11
18 Human Factors Engineering 03/29/11
19 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) (All sections except Appendix 19A, "Loss of Large Areas of the Plant due to Explosions or Fires (LOLA)") 07/29/11
Appendix 19A - Loss of Large Areas of the Plant Due to Explosions or Fires (LOLA) 07/29/11
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, October 02, 2012