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Regulatory Guide for Implementing Fatigue Management Programs

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The NRC staff and stakeholders have been developing implementation guidance for the fatigue management requirements of the amended 10 CFR Part 26.  The staff published a notice in the Federal Register on September 29, 2008 (73 FR 56618) that Draft Regulatory Guide, “DG-5026 “Fatigue Management for Nuclear Power Plant Personnel: Proposed New Regulatory Guide” was available for public comment.  The public comment period ended on October 31, 2008, although the staff has considered comments received after that date.

During a public meeting held to discuss the draft regulatory guide on October 16, 2008, the stakeholders requested and the staff agreed to make the draft final regulatory guide publicly available before the final regulatory guide is published in the Federal Register.  The draft final regulatory guide addresses the public comments received on the DG-5026 and incorporates input from additional NRC staff reviews.  The final regulatory guide was published in March 2009 and is titled, “Regulatory Guide 5.73, ‘Fatigue Management for Nuclear Power Plant Personnel.”  The final guide endorses, with certain exceptions, additions and clarifications, an implementation guidance document that was submitted to the NRC by the Nuclear Energy Institute, NEI 06-11, Revision 1, “Managing Personnel Fatigue at Nuclear Power Reactor Sites.”

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012