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Industry Guidance for Reactor Construction Fitness for Duty Programs (NEI 06-06, Rev. 5)

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The staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) conducted a preliminary review of the industry's "Fitness for Duty Program Guidance for New Nuclear Power Plant Construction Site," which the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) published as NEI 06-06, Rev. 5. As a result of its review, the staff concluded that it is sufficient to pursue formal endorsement through the NRC Regulatory Guides process. Toward that end, the NRC intends to issue a draft regulatory guide regarding NEI 06-06, Revision 5, to solicit comments and involve the public in developing the agency’s regulatory position on fitness for duty (FFD) during the construction of new nuclear power reactors.

In the interim, current and prospective applicants for a combined license, construction permit, or limited work authorization may review NEI 06-06, Rev. 5, as a reference for FFD aspects of their new reactor applications. For additional information, see the related letter from William D. Reckley (NRC) to Russell J. Bell (NEI), dated August 16, 2007.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012