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Social work practice with children and families : a family health approach.
Yuen, Francis K. O. (Editor)
California State University, Sacramento. Division of Social Work.
xxi, 273 p.
Published:  2005
Publication Information: Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Social Work Practice Press.
Available from: Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
325 Chestnut Street Suite 800
Philadelphia, PA  19106
Tel: 215-625-8900
Fax: 215-625-2940
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Family health social work practice focuses on nurturing the family unit. Based on systems theory, ecological concepts, and the principles of individual and family development, the interdisciplinary approach uses techniques such as reliance on formal and informal resources, confrontive strategies, social advocacy, psychoeducation, and prevention. Social workers advise families about the need for change and the methods for achieving goals. This book describes family health social work practice with children who have been sexually abused, children of divorce, children with disabilities, and migrant families. Programs for non-traditional families also are discussed, including custodial grandparents, gay and lesbian parents, foster families, and homeless families. Community practice models are briefly reviewed. Numerous references.
social work; Model programs; public health services; family services; intervention strategies; community based services; family centered services; promising practices


A service of the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


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