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Radar Ecology
Doppler Radar image of Migratory Birds on the Gulf Coast

The nationwide network of Doppler weather radars is on the verge of revolutionizing wildlife research and management. Determining the importance of landscapes for migrant birds is difficult with ground-based surveys, but radar provides an instantaneous, broad-scale, and quantitative measurement of bird abundance in relation to landscape features. Researchers at the USGS National Wetlands Research Center are using radar to study the habitat relations of spring and fall migratory songbirds along the Louisiana and Texas coasts as well as movements of wintering waterfowl between daytime resting sites and evening feeding sites.

NOTE: Some or all of the reports on this page are presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view them. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge.


Randall, Lori A., Diehl, Robert H., Wilson, Barry C., Barrow, Wylie C. Jr., Jeske, Clinton W., 2011, Potential use of weather radar to study movements of wintering waterfowl: Journal of Wildlife Management, vol. 75, no. 6, p. 1324-1329.

Using Radar to Understand Migratory Birds and Their Habitats: Critical Needs for the Gulf of Mexico

Migratory Bird Pathways and the Gulf of Mexico

Advancing Migratory Bird Conservation and Management by Using Radar: an Interagency Collaboration

For more information, contact
Wylie Barrow
Lori Randall

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