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Environmental Modeling Center


List of Abstracts, Reports, Articles, etc. by members of the Branch. The numbers are referred to as OPC Contribution Numbers from Number 1 to 110, as OMB Contribution Numbers from Number 111 to 219, and MMAB Contribution Numbers from 220 and greater.
Summary of MMAB Papers No. 1. Burroughs, L. D., : 1987: Development of Forecast Guidance for Santa Ana Conditions. _National Weather Digest_, 12, 7pp.
No. 2. Richardson, W. S : D. J. Schwab : Y. Y. Chao : D. M. Wright : 1986: Lake Erie Wave Height Forecasts Generated by Empirical and Dynamical Methods -- Comparison and Verification. Technical Note/NMC 23pp
No. 3. Auer, S. J., : 1986: Determination of Errors in LFM Forecasts Surface Lows Over the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Technical Note/NMC
No. 4. Rao, D. B., S. D. Steenrod, and B. V. Sanchez, : 1987: A Method of Calculating the Total Flow from A Given Sea Surface Topography. NASA Technical Memorandum 87799, 19pp.
No. 5. Feit, D. M., : 1986: Compendium of Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Products of the Ocean Products Center. NOAA Technical
No. 6. Auer, S. J., : 1986: A Comparison of the LFM, Spectral, and ECMWF Numerical Model Forecasts of Deepening Oceanic Cyclones During One Cool
No. 7. Burroughs, L. D., : 1987: Development of Open Fog Forecasting
No. 8. Yu, T. W., : 1987: A Technique of Deducing Wind Direction from Satellite Measurements of Wind Speed. _Monthly Weather Review_, 115, 1929-1939.
No. 9. Auer, S. J., : 1987: Five-Year Climatological Survey of the Gulf Stream System and Its Associated Rings. _Jour. Geophy. Res._, 92, 11, 709-726.
No. 10. Chao, Y. Y., : 1987: Forecasting Wave Conditions Affected by Currents and Bottom Topography. Technical Note, 11pp.
No. 11. Esteva, D. C., : 1987: The Editing and Averaging of Altimeter Wave and Wind Data. Technical Note, 4pp.
No. 12. Feit, D. M., : 1987: Forecasting Superstructure Icing for Alaskan Waters. _National Weather Digest_, 12, 5-10.
No. 13. Sanchez, B. V., D. B. Rao, and S. D. Steenrod, : 1987: Tidal Estimation in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. _Marine Geodesy_,10, 309-350.
No. 14. Gemmill, W. H., T. W. Yu, and D. M. Feit : 1988: Performance of Techniques Used to Derive Ocean Surface Winds. Technical Note/NMC Office
No. 15. Gemmill, W. H., T. W. Yu, and D. M. Feit : 1987: Performance Statistics of Techniques Used to Determine Ocean Surface Winds. /Conference Preprint, Proc. AES/CMOS 2nd Workshop on Operational Meteorology/, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 234-243.
No. 16. Yu, T. W., : 1988: A Method for Determining Equivalent Depths of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Over the Oceans. _Jour. Geophy. Res._, 93, 3655-3661.
No. 17. Yu, T. W., : 1987: Analysis of the Atmospheric Mixed Layer Heights Over the Oceans./ Conference Preprint, Proc. AES/CMOS 2nd Workshop on Operational Meteorology/, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2, 425-432.
No. 18. Feit, D. M., : 1987: An Operational Forecast System for Superstructure Icing. /Proc. Fourth Conference Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zone/, 4pp.
No. 19. Esteva, D. C., : 1988: Evaluation of Preliminary Experiments Assimilating Seasat Significant Wave Height into a Spectral Wave Model. _J. Geophy. Res._, 93, 14,099-14,105.
No. 20. Chao, Y. Y., : 1988: Evaluation of Wave Forecast for the Gulf of Mexico./ Proc. Fourth Conference on Meteorology and Oceanography of the Coastal Zone/, 42-49.
No. 21. Breaker, L. C., : 1989: El Nino and Related Variability in Sea-Surface Temperature Along the Central California Coast._PACLIM Monograph of Climate Variability of the Eastern North Pacific and Western North America_, AGU Geophysical Monograph 55, 133-140.
No. 22. Yu, T. W., D. C. Esteva, and R. L. Teboulle, : 1991: A Feasibility Study on Operational Use of Geosat Wind and Wave Data at the National
No. 23. Burroughs, L. D., : 1989: Open Ocean Fog and Visibility
No. 24. Gerald, V. M., : 1987: Synoptic Surface Marine Data Monitoring.
No. 25. Breaker, L. C., : 1990: Estimating and Removing Sensor Induced Correlation form AVHRR Data. _Jour. Geophy. Res._, 95, 9701-9711.
No. 26. Chen, H. S., : 1990: Infinite Elements for Water Wave Radiation and Scattering. _International Jour. for Numerical Methods in Fluids_, 11, 555-569.
No. 27. Gemmill, W. H., T. W. Yu, and D. M. Feit, : 1988: A Statistical Comparison of Methods for Determining Ocean Surface Winds. _Weather and Forecasting_, 3, 153-160.
No. 28. Rao. D. B., : 1989: A Review of the Program of the Ocean Products Center. _Weather and Forecasting_, 427-443.
No. 29. Chen, H. S., : 1989: Infinite Elements for Combined Diffraction and Refraction. /Proc. Seventh International Conference on Finite Element Methods Flow Problems/, Huntsville, Alabama, 653-658.
No. 30. Chao, Y. Y., : 1989: An Operational Spectral Wave Forecasting Model for the Gulf of Mexico. /Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Wave Forecasting and Hindcasting/, 240-247.
No. 31. Esteva, D. C., : 1989: Improving Global Wave Forecasting Incorporating Altimeter Data. /Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting,/ Vancouver, B.C., April 25-28, 1989, 378-384.
No. 32. Richardson, W. S., : J. M. Nault, : D. M. Feit: 1989: Computer-Worded Marine Forecasts. Preprint, 6th Symp. on Coastal Ocean Management Coastal Zone 89, 4075-4084.
No. 33. Chao, Y. Y., and T. L. Bertucci, : 1989: A Columbia River Entrance Wave Forecasting Program Developed at the Ocean Products Center.
No. 34. Burroughs, L. D., : 1989: Forecasting Open Ocean Fog and Visibility. /Preprint, 11th Conference on Probability and Statistics/, Monterey, CA, 5pp.
No. 35. Rao, D. B., : 1990: Local and Regional Scale Wave Models. / Proceeding (CMM/WMO) Technical Conference on Waves,/ WMO Marine
No. 36. Burroughs, L. D., : 1991: Forecast Guidance for Santa Ana
No. 37. Burroughs, L. D., : 1989: Ocean Products Center Products Review
No. 38. Feit, D. M., : 1989: Compendium of Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Products of the Ocean Products Center (revision 1). NOAA Technical Memo NWS/NMC 68, 78pp
No. 39. Esteva, D. C., and Y. Y. Chao, : 1991: The NOAA Ocean Wave Model Hindcast for LEWEX. _Directional Ocean Wave Spectra_,_ _Johns Hopkins University Press, 163-166.
No. 40. Sanchez, B. V., D. B. Rao, and S. D. Steenrod, : 1987: Tidal Estimation in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, 3^o x 3^o Solution. NASA Technical Memorandum 87812, 18pp.
No. 41. Crosby, D. S., L. C. Breaker, and W. H. Gemmill, : 1990: A Definition for Vector Correlation and its Application to Marine Surface
No. 42. Feit, D. M., and W. S. Richardson, : 1990: Expert System for Quality Control and Marine Forecasting Guidance. / Preprint, AES/CMOS 3rd Workshop on Operational Meteorology/, 6pp.
No. 43. Gerald, V. M., : 1990: OPC Unified Marine Database Verification
No. 44. Wohl, G. M., : 1991: Sea Ice Edge Forecast Verification for the Bering Sea. _National Weather Digest_, 16, 6-12.
No. 45. Feit, D. M., and J. A. Alpert, : 1990: An Operational Marine Fog
No. 46. Yu, T. W., and R. L. Teboulle, : 1991: Recent Assimilation and Forecast Experiments at the National Meteorological Center Using
No. 48. Breaker, L. C.,: L. D. Burroughs, : T. B. Stanley, : W. B. Campbell : 1992: : Estimating Surface Currents in the Slope Water Region Between 37 and 41oN Using Satellite Feature Tracking. Technical Note/NMC, 47pp
No. 49. Chao, Y. Y., : 1990: The Gulf of Mexico Spectral Wave Forecast
No. 50. Chen, H. S., : 1990: Wave Calculation Using WAM Model and NMC Wind./ Preprint, 8th ASCE Engineering Mechanical Conference/, 1, 368-372.
No. 51. Chao, Y. Y., : 1991: On the Transformation of Wave Spectra by Current and Bathymetry. / Proc. 8th ASCE Engineering Mechanical Conference,/ 1, 333-337.
No. 53. Rao, D. B., : 1991: Dynamical and Statistical Prediction of Marine Guidance Products. /Proc. IEEE Conference Oceans 91, /3, 1177-1180.
No. 54. Gemmill, W. H., : 1991: High-Resolution Regional Ocean Surface Wind Fields. /Proc. AMS 9th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction/, Denver, CO, October 14-18, 1991, 190-191.
No. 55. Yu, T. W., and D. Deaven, : 1991: Use of SSM/I Wind Speed Data in NMC's GDAS. / Proc., AMS 9th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction/, Denver, CO, October 14-18, 1991, 416-417.
No. 56. Burroughs, L. D., and J. A. Alpert, : 1993: Numerical Fog and Visibility Guidance in Coastal Regions. Technical Procedures Bulletin
No. 57. Chen, H. S., : 1992: Taylor-Gelerkin Method for Wind Wave Propagation. /Proc. ASCE 9th Conf. on Eng. Mech,/ College Station, TX, May 24-27, 1992, 79-90.
No. 58. Breaker, L. C., and W. H. Gemmill, and D. S. Crosby, : 1992: A Technique for Vector Correlation and its Application to Marine Surface Winds./ AMS 12th Conf. on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences,/ Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 22-26, 1992.
No. 59. Yan, X.-H., and L. C. Breaker, : 1993: Surface Circulation Estimation Using Image Processing and Computer Vision Methods Applied to Sequential Satellite Imagery. _Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing_, 59, 407-413.
No. 60. Wohl, G., : 1992: Operational Demonstration of ERS-1 SAR Imagery at the Joint Ice Center./ Proc. MTS 92 - Global Ocean Partnership/, Washington, DC, October 19-21, 1992.
No. 61. Waters, M. P., : C. M. Caruso, : W. H. Gemmill, : W. S. Richardson, : W. G. Pichel : 1992: An Interactive Information and Processing System for the Real-Time Quality Control of Marine Meteorological Oceanographic Data. Pre-print 9th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing System for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology, Anaheim, CA, January 17-22, 1993.
No. 62. Krasnopolsky, V. and L.C. Breaker,: 1994: The Problem of AVHRR Image Navigation Revisited. _Int. Jour. of Remote Sensing_, 15, 979-1008.
No. 63. Crosby, D. S., L. C. Breaker, and W. H. Gemmill, : 1993: A Proposed Definition for Vector Correlation in Geophysics: Theory and Application. _Jour. Atmospheric and Ocean Technology_, 10, 355-367.
No. 64. Grumbine, R., : 1993: The Thermodynamic Predictability of Sea Ice. _Jour. of Glaciology_, 40, 277-282, 1994.
No. 65. Chen, H. S., : 1993: Global Wave Prediction Using the WAM Model and NMC Winds. _ Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering,_ (Ed: Sam S.Y. Wang), Vol. I, Tsinghua Univ. Press, 1453-1460.
No. 67. Breaker, L. C., and A. Bratkovich, : 1993: Oceanic Processes Contributing to the Displacement of Oil Spilled Off San Francisco by the M/V Puerto Rican. _Marine Environmental Research_, 36, 153-184.
No. 68. Breaker, L. C., : L. D. Burroughs, : J. F. Culp, : N. L. Gunasso, : R. Teboulle, : C. R. Wong : 1993: Surface and Near-Surface Marine Observations During Hurricane Andrew. Technical Note/NMC Office Note No. 398, 41pp.
No. 69. Burroughs, L. D., and R. Nichols, : 1993: The National Marine Verification Program - Concepts and Data Management, Technical Note/NMC Office Note No .393, 21pp.
No. 70. Gemmill, W. H., and R. Teboulle, : 1993: The Operational Use of SSM/I Wind Speed Data over Oceans. /Pre-print 13th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/, AMS Vienna, VA., August 2-6, 1993, 237-238.
No. 71. Yu, T.-W., J. C. Derber, and R. N. Hoffman, : 1993: Use of ERS-1 Scatterometer Backscattered Measurements in Atmospheric Analyses. /Pre-print 13th Conference on Weather Analyses and Forecasting/, AMS, Vienna, VA., August 2-6, 1993, 294-297.
No. 73. Woiceshyn, P., T. W. Yu, W. H. Gemmill, : 1993: Use of ERS-1 Scatterometer Data to Derive Ocean Surface Winds at NMC. /Pre-print 13th Conference on Weather Analyses and Forecasting/, AMS, Vienna, VA, August 2-6, 1993, 239-240.
No. 74. Grumbine, R. W., : 1993: Sea Ice Prediction Physics. Technical
No. 75. Chalikov, D., : 1993: The Parameterization of the Wave Boundary Layer. _Jour. Phy. Oceanog._, 25, 1333-1349.
No. 76. Tolman, H. L., : 1993: Modeling Bottom Friction in Wind-Wave Models. In: _Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis_, (Ed: O.T. Magoon and J.M. Hemsley), ASCE, 769-783.
No. 77. Breaker, L., and W. Broenkow, : 1994: The Circulation of Monterey Bay and Related Processes. _Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review_, 32, 1-64.
No. 78. Chalikov, D., D. Esteva, M. Iredell and P. Long, : 1993: Dynamic Coupling between the NMC Global Atmosphere and Spectral Wave Models.
No. 79. Burroughs, L. D., : 1993: National Marine Verification Program - Verification Statistics - Verification Statistics, Technical Note/NMC
No. 81. Chao, Y. Y., : 1993: The Time Dependent Ray Method for Calculation of Wave Transformation on Water of Varying Depth and Current./ Proc. ASCE Wave 93 Conf./, 671-679.
No. 82. Tolman, H. L., : 1994: Wind-Waves and Moveable-Bed Bottom Friction. _J. Phys. Oceanogr._ 24, 994-1009.
No. 83. Grumbine, R. W., : 1994: Notes and Correspondence: A Sea Ice Albedo Experiment with the NMC Medium Range Forecast Model. _Weather and Forecasting_, 9, 453-456.
No. 84. Chao, Y.Y, : 1993: The Gulf of Alaska Regional Wave Model.
No. 85. Chao, Y. Y., : 1993: Implementation and Evaluation of the Gulf of Alaska Regional Wave Model. Technical Note, 30 pp.
No. 87. Burroughs, L., : 1994: Portfolio of Operational and Development Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Products. Technical Note/NCEP
No. 88. Tolman, H. L., and D. Chalikov, : 1994: Development of a third-generation ocean wave model at NOAA-NMC./ Proc. Waves Physical and Numerical Modelling/, (ed: M. Isaacson and M.C. Quick ), Univ. of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, Canada, 724-733.
No. 89. Peters, C., : W. H. Gemmill, : V. M. Gerald, : P. Woiceshyn : 1994: Evaluation of Empirical Transfer Functions for ERS-1 Scatterometer Data at NMC. . Proc. 7th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, June 6-10, 1994, Monterey, CA., pg. 550-552.
No. 91. Yu, T-W., : P. Woiceshyn, : W. Gemmill, : C. Peters : 1994: Analysis and Forecast Experiments at NMC Using ERS-1 Scatterometer Wind Measurements. Proc. 7th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, June 6-10, 1994, Monterey, CA., pg. 600-601.
No. 92. Chen, H. S., : 1994: Ocean Surface Waves. Technical Procedures
No. 93. Breaker, L. C., : V. Krasnopolsky, : D. B. Rao, : X.-H. Yan : 1994: The Feasibility of Estimating Ocean Surface Currents on an Operational Basis using Satellite Feature Tracking Methods. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 75, 2085-2095.
No. 94. Krasnopolsky V., : L. C. Breaker, : W. H. Gemmill : 1994: Development of Single "All-Weather" Neural Network Algorithms for Estimating Ocean Surface Winds from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager. Technical Note/NMC 66 pp
No. 95. Breaker, L. C., D. S. Crosby and W. H. Gemmill, : 1994: The application of a New Definition for Vector Correlation to Problems in Oceanography and Meteorology. _Jour. of Applied Meteorology_, 33, 1354-1365.
No. 96. Peters, C. A., : V. M. Gerald, : P. M. Woiceshyn, : W. H. Gemmill : 1994: Operational Processing of ERS-1 Scatterometer winds: A Documentation. Technical Note/NMC 14pp
No. 97. Gemmill, W. H., : P. M. Woiceshyn, : C. A. Peters, : V. M. Gerald : 1994: A Preliminary Evaluation Scatterometer Wind Transfer Functions for ERS-1 Data. Technical Note/NMC 35pp
No. 98. Chen, H. S., : 1995: Evaluation of a Global Ocean Wave Model at NMC._ Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering_ (Ed: Sam S.Y. Wang), Vol. II, Tsinghua Univ. Press, 1453-1460.
No. 100. Rao, D. B. and C. Peters, : 1994: Two-Dimensional Co-Oscillations in a Rectangular Bay: Possible Application to Water-Level Problems. _Marine Geodesy_, 18, 317-332.
No. 101. Breaker, L. C.,: L. D. Burroughs, : Y. Y. Chao, : J. F. Culp, : N. L. Gunasso, : R. Teboulle, : C. R. Wong : 1994: The Impact of Hurricane Andrew on the Near Surface Marine Environment in the Bahamas and the Gulf Stream. Weather and Forecasting, 9, 542-556.
No. 102. Tolman, H. L., : 1995: Subgrid Modeling of Moveable-bed Bottom Friction in Wind Wave Models. _Coastal Engineering_, 26, 57-75.
No. 103. Breaker, L. C., : D. B. Gilhousen, : L. D. Burroughs : 1998: Preliminary Results from Long-Term Measurements of Atmospheric Moisture in the Marine Boundary Layer at Two Locations in the Gulf of Mexico. Jour. Atms. Oceanic Tech., 15, 661-676.
No. 104. Burroughs, L. D., and J. P. Dallavalle, : 1997: Great Lakes Wind
No. 105. Burroughs, L. D., and J. P. Dallavalle, : 1997: Great Lakes Storm
No. 106. Shaffer, W. A., : J. P. Dallavalle, : L. D. Burroughs : 1997: : East Coast Extratropical Storm Surge and Beach Erosion Guidance. Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 436, (see )
No. 110. Gemmill, W. H, and C. A. Peters, : 1995: The Use of Satellite Derived Wind Data in High-Resolution Regional Ocean Surface Wind Fields. /Proc./ /Conference on Coastal Oceanic and Atmospheric Prediction/, January 28 - February 2, 1996, Atlanta, GA, 397-400.

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OPC Contribution numbers change to OMB Contribution numbers
Summary of MMAB Papers No. 111. Krasnopolsky, V. M, : W. H. Gemmill, : L. C. Breaker : 1995: Improved SSM/I Wind Speed Retrievals at Higher Wind Speeds. J. of Geophy. Res., 100, 11033-11045.
No. 113. Tolman, H. L., : 1995: On the Selection of Propagation Schemes
No. 114. Grumbine, R. W., : 1995: Virtual Floe Ice Drift Forecast Model Intercomparison. _Weather and Forecasting_, 13, 886-890.
No. 116. Yu, T. W. and J. C. Derber, : 1995: Assimilation Experiments with ERS-1 Winds: Part I - Use of Backscatter Measurements in the NMC Spectral Statistical Analysis System. Technical Note, 27pp.
No. 117. Yu, T. W., : 1995: Assimilation Experiments with ERS1 Winds: Part II - Use of Vector Winds in NCEP Spectral Statistical Analysis System. Technical Note, 25pp.
No. 118. Grumbine, R. W., : 1997: Sea Ice Drift Guidance. Technical Procedures Bulletin no. 435.
No. 119. Tolman, H. L., : 1998: Effects of Observation Errors in Linear Regression and Bin-Average Analyses. _Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society_, 124, 897-917.
No. 120. Grumbine, R. W., : 1996: Automated Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration Analysis at NCEP. Technical Note, 13pp
No. 121. Grumbine, R. W., : 1996: Sea Ice Prediction Environment: Documentation. Technical Note, 11pp.
No. 122. Tolman, H. L and D. Chalikov, : 1996: Source Terms in a Third-Generation Wind Wave Model. _J. Phys. Oceanographer_, 26, 2497-2518.
No. 123. Gemmill, W. H., : V. Krasnopolsky, : L. C. Breaker, : C. Peters : 1996: : Developments to Improve Satellite Derived Ocean Surface Winds for use in Marine Analyses. Pre-print Numerical Weather Prediction Conference, Norfolk, VA, August 19-23, 1996.
No. 124. Breaker, L. C., : D. B. Gilhousen, : H. L. Tolman : L. D. Burroughs : 1996: Initial Results from Long-Term Measurements of Atmospheric Humidity and Related Parameters in the Marine Boundary Layer at Two Locations in the Gulf of Mexico. NCEP Office Note No. 414, 37pp.
No. 125. Yu, T. W., M. D. Iredell, and Y. Zhu, : 1996: The Impact of ERS-1 Winds on NCEP Operational Numerical Weather Analyses and Forecast. /Pre-print Numerical Weather Prediction Conference/, Norfolk, VA, August 19-23, 1996, 276-277.
No. 126. Burroughs, L. D., : 1996: Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Guidance Products from the National Centers for Environmental
No. 127. Lobocki, L., : 1996: Coastal Ocean Forecasting System (COFS) System Description and User Guides. Technical Note, 69pp.
No. 129. Thiebaux, H.J., : 1997: Data Sources and Baseline Evaluation for Regional Ocean Data Assimilation. _Research Activities in Atmospheric
No. 130. Yu, T.W., : 1996: Applications of SSM/I Wind Speed Data to NCEP Regional Analyses. Technical Note, 20pp.
No. 131. Chalikov, D. and D. Sheinin, : 1996: Direct Modeling of 1-D Nonlinear Potential Waves. _Ocean Waves, Advances in Fluid Mechanics_, Chapter 7, 207-258.
No. 132. Krasnopolsky, V.M., W.H. Gemmill, and L.C. Breaker, : 1997: Ocean Surface Retrievals from the SSM/I Using Neural Networks. /Proc. Fourth Conf. on Remote Sensing of Marine and Coastal Environment/, Orlando, FL, 17-19 March, Vol. II, 164-173.
No. 133. Yu, T. W., : 1996: The Effect of Drifting Buoy Data on NCEP Numerical Weather Forecast. Technical Note, 19pp
No. 134. Krasnopolsky, V. M., : 1996: A Neural Network Forward Model for Direct Assimilation of SSM/I Brightness Temperatures into Atmospheric
No. 135. Krasnopolsky, V. M., W. H. Gemmill, and L. C. Breaker, : 1996: A New Neural Network Transfer for SSM/I Retrievals. _CAS/JSC Working Group
No. 136. Grumbine, R.W., : 1997: Automated Ice Concentration Analysis.
No. 137. Krasnopolsky, V. M., W.H. Gemmill, and L.C. Breaker, : 1996: A New Transfer Function for SSM/I Based on an Expanded Neural Network Architecture. Technical Note, 39 pp.
No. 138. Chalikov, D. C., : L. C. Breaker, : L. Lobocki : 1996: : Parameterization of Mixing in Upper Ocean. Technical Note/NMC 40pp.
No. 139. Chalikov, D. C., and D. Sheinin, : 1996: Numerical Modeling of Surface Waves Based on Principal Equations of Potential Wave Dynamics. Technical Note, 54pp
No. 140. Krasnopolsky, V. M., : 1997: A Neural Network-Based Forward Model for Direct Assimilation of SSM/I Brightness Temperatures. Technical Note, 33 pp.
No. 141. Peters, C. A., : 1997: Effects of Scatterometer Winds on the NCEP Global Model Analyses and Forecasts: Two Case Studies. Technical Note, 27pp.
No. 142. Kelley, J. G. W., : F. Aikman, : L. C. Breaker : G. L. Mellor : 1997: A Coastal Ocean Forecast System for the U.S. East Coast. Sea Technology, 38, 10-17
No. 143. Tolman, H. L., L. C. Bender and W. L. Neu, : 1998: Comments on “The Goddard Coastal Wave Model. Part I: Numerical Method. _J. Phys. Oceanogr._, 28, 1287-1290.
No. 144. Tolman, H. L., W. L. Neu and L. C. Bender, : 1998: Comments on “The Goddard Coastal Wave Model. Part II: Kinematics." _J. Phys. Oceanogr._, 28, 1305-1308.
No. 145. Breaker, L. C., : D. B. Gilhousen, : H. L. Tolman, : L. D. Burroughs : 1998: Initial Results from Long-Term Measurements Atmospheric Humidity and Related Parameters in the Marine Boundary Layer at Two Locations in the Gulf of Mexico. Jour. of Marine Systems, 16, 199-217
No. 146. Thiebaux, H.J., : 1997: The Power of the Duality in Spatial-Temporal Estimation. _Jour. Climate_, 10, 567-573.
No. 147. Gemmill, W. H. and C. A. Peters, : 1997: High-Resolution Ocean Surface Wind Analyses Using Satellite Derived Ocean Surface Winds: Analyses Validation using Synthetic Satellite Data. Technical Note, 19pp.
No. 148. Krasnopolsky, V. M., : 1997: Neural Networks for Standard and Variational Satellite Retrievals. Technical Note, 43 pp.
No. 149. Chao, Y. Y., : 1997: The U.S. East Coast-Gulf of Mexico Wave
No. 150. Tolman, H. L., : 1998: Validation of NCEP’s Ocean Winds for the Use in Wind Wave Models. _The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System_, 6, 243-268.
No. 151. Tolman, H. L., : 1997: User Manual and System Documentation of WAVEWATCH III, Version 1.15. Technical Note, 97 pp.
No. 152. Tolman, H. L., : 1998: A New Global Wave Forecast System at NCEP. In: _Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis,_ Vol. 2, (Ed: B. L. Edge and J. M. Helmsley), ASCE, 777-786.
No. 153. Chalikov, D., : 1998: Interactive Modeling of Surface Waves and Atmospheric Boundary Layer. In: _Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis_, Vol. 2, (Ed: B. L. Edge and J. M. Helmsley), ASCE, 1525-1539.
No. 154. Krasnopolsky, V. M., W.H. Gemmill, and L.C. Breaker, : 1999: A Multi-Parameter Empirical Ocean Algorithm for SSM/I Retrievals. _Canadian Jour. of Remote Sensing_, 25, 486-503.
No. 155. Kelley, J.G.W., : H.J. Thiebaux, : B. Balasubramaniyan, : D. Behringer, : D. Chalikov : 1998: Implementation of a Nowcast/Data Assimilation Cycle in the Coastal Ocean Forecast System. . Proc. Marine Technology Society’s Ocean Community Conf. ‘98. November 15-18, 1998, Baltimore, MD.,230-234.
No. 156. Thiebaux, H.J., : J.G.W. Kelley, : D. Chalikov, : D. Behringer,: B. Balasubramaniyan : 1998: Impact of Assimilating Observations into the Coastal Ocean Forecast System.Research Activities in Atmospheric and Ocean Modeling. WMO/WGNE Report No. 27, 8.43-8.44
No. 157. Breaker, L. C., : J. G. W. Kelley, : L. D. Burroughs, : J. L. Miller, : B. Balusubramaniyan, : J. B. Zaitzeff : 1999: The Impact of a High Discharge Event on the Structure and Evolution of the Chesapeake Bay Plume Based on Model Results. Jour. Marine Environmental Engineering, 5, 311-349.
No. 158. Krasnopolsky, V. M., W. H. Gemmill and L. C. Breaker, : 1998: A Neural Network Multi-Parameter Algorithms for SSM/I Ocean Retrievals: Comparisons and Validations. /5^th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment/, San Diego, CA, October 5-7, 1998. Vol. I, 36-43.
No. 159. Krasnopolsky, V. M., : W. H. Gemmill : L. C. Breaker, : 1998: A Neural Network Multi-Parameter Algorithms for SSM/I Ocean Retrievals: Comparisons and Validations. 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment, San Diego, CA, October 5-7, 1998. Vol. I, 36-43.
No. 160. Gemmill, W. H., V. M. Krasnopolsky, : 1998: Weather Patterns over the Ocean Retrieved by Neural Network Multi-Parameter Algorithm from SSM/I. /5^th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment/, San Diego, CA, October 5-7, 1998. Vol. I, 395-402
No. 161. Breaker, L. C., : V. M. Krasnopolsky : E.M. Maturi : 1998: GOES-8 Imagery as a New Source of Data to Conduct Ocean Feature Tracking. 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment, San Diego, CA, October 5-7, 1998. Vol. I, 501-508.
No. 162. Tolman, H. L. and N. Booij, : 1998: Modeling Wind Waves Using Wavenumber-direction Spectra and a Variable Wavenumber Grid. _Global Atmosphere and Ocean System_, 6, 295-309.
No. 163. Breaker, L. C. and D. B. Rao, : 1998: Experience Gained During the Implementation of NOAA’s Coastal Ocean Forecast System./ Proceedings of the Ocean Community Conference 1998 of the Marine Technology Society/, 235-249.
No. 164. Gemmill, W. H., : T. W. Yu, : V. Krasnopolsky, : C. Peters, : P. Woiceshyn : 1999: NCEP Experience With “Real-Time” Ocean Surface Wind Retrievals from Satellites. Technical Note/NMC 32pp
No. 165. Gemmill, W. H. and V.M. Krasnopolsky, : 1999: The Use of SSM/I Data in Operational Marine Analysis. _Weather and Forecasting_, 14, 789-800.
No. 166. Tolman, H. L., : 1999: User Manual and System Documentation of WAVEWATCH-III version 1.18. Technical Note, 110 pp.
No. 167. Tolman, H. L., : 1999: WAVEWATCH-III version 1.18: Generating GRIB Files. Technical Note, 7pp.
No. 168. Tolman, H. L., : 1999: WAVEWATCH-III version 1.18: Postprocessing Using NCAR Graphics. Technical Note, 9 pp.
No. 169. Yu, T. W., : 1999: Impact on NCEP Numerical Weather Forecasts of Omitting Marine Ship and Fixed Buoy Reports. Technical Note, 15pp
No. 170. Peters, C. A., : 1999: Experiments Using NSCAT Data in the NCEP Global Data Assimilation and Forecast System. Technical Note.
No. 171. Chao, Y. Y., L. D. Burroughs, and H. L. Tolman, : 1999: Wave
No. 172. Chao, Y. Y., : L. D. Burroughs, : H. L. Tolman : 1999: Wave Forecasting for the Western North Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico. . Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 459. (see
No. 173. Chen, H. S., L. D. Burroughs, and H. L. Tolman, : 1999: Ocean
No. 174. Kelley, J. G. W., : D. W. Behringer, : H. J. Thiebaux : 1999: Description of the SST Data Assimilation System used in the NOAA Coastal Ocean Forecast System (COFS) for the U.S. East Coast Version 3.2. Technical Note/NMC 49pp
No. 175. Krasnopolsky, V. and W. H. Gemmill, : 1999: Neural Network Multi-Parameter Algorithms to Retrieve Atmospheric and Ocean Parameters from Satellite Data. /Proc. 2^nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 80^th AMS Annual Meeting/. January 9-14, 2000, Long Beach CA, 73-77.
No. 176. Krasnopolsky, V. M., : D. Chalikov, : L. C. Breaker, : D. B. Rao : 2000: Application of Neural Networks for Efficient Calculation of Sea Water Density or Salinity from the UNESCO Equation State. Proc. 2nd Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 80th AMS Annual Meeting. January 9-14, 2000, Long Beach CA, 27-31
No. 177. Gemmill, W. H. : V. M. Krasnopolsky : 2000: Observing Weather Over the Oceans from SSM/I Using Neural Networks. Proc. 10th Conf. on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, January 9-14, 2000, Long Beach CA, 234-237
No. 178. Breaker, L. C., : B. Balasubramaniyan, : A. Brown, : L. D. Burroughs, : Y. Y. Chao, : R. Kelly, : H. J. Thiebaux, : P. Vukits, : K. Waters : 1999: Results from Phase 1 of the Coastal Marine Demonstration Project: The Coastal Ocean. Technical Note/NMC 21pp
No. 179. Krasnopolsky, V. M., : 1998: Neural Networks as a Generic Tool for Satellite Retrieval Algorithms Development and for Direct Assimilation of Satellite Data into Numerical Models. /Proc. AMS 1^st Conf. on Artificial Intelligence/, January 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, AZ, 45-50.
No. 180. Li, Xiofeng, : W.G. Pichel, : P. Clemente-Colon, : V. Krasnopolsky : 1998: Validation of Coastal Sea and Lake Surface Measurements Derived from NOAA/AVHRR Data. Proc. 5th. International Conf. on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environment, San Diego, CA, October 5-7, 1998, Vol. 1, 261-268
No. 181. Krasnopolsky, V.M., : 1999: Using NNs to Retrieve Multiple Geophysical Parameters from Satellite Data. /Proc. of 1999 International Joint Conf. on Neural Networks/, July 10-16 1999, Washington D.C. (Available on CD).
No. 182. Aikman, F., and Desiraju B. Rao, : 1999: A NOAA Perspective on a Coastal Ocean Forecast System. Coastal Ocean Prediction, Coastal and Estuarine Studies, 56 (Ed: C.N.K. Mooers), _AGU Publication_, 467-499.
No. 183. Thiebaux, J., : B. Katz, : J. Kelley, : L. Breaker,: B. Balasubramaniyan : 2000: National Ocean Partnership Project Advances Real-Time Coastal Ocean Forecasting. EOS, 81, pages 145 and 150
No. 184. Thiebaux, J., : D. Chalikov, : J. Kelley, : D. Behringer, : J. Cummings : 2000: Ocean Model Data Assimilation. EOS, 2000 Ocean Sciences Meeting (AGU), 80, 277.
No. 185. Grumbine, R. W., : 2000: C++ for Ocean Modeling Branch Considerations. Technical Note, 23pp.
No. 186. Grumbine, R. W., : 2000: OMB C++ Class Library Descriptions.
No. 187. Grumbine, R. W., : 2000: Ocean Modeling Branch and the Web. Technical Note, 13pp.
No. 188. Gemmill, W. G., : L. D. Burroughs, : V. M. Gerald, : P. Woiceshyn : 2000: Ocean surface Wind Vectors Retrieved from Satellites with Scatterometers. Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 466 (see
No. 189. Gemmill, W. G., : L. D. Burroughs, : V. M. Gerald, : V. Krasnopolsky : 2000: Ocean Surface Wind Speeds Retrieved from DMSP Satellites. Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 467 (see
No. 190. Breaker, L. C. and H. J. Thiebaux, : 2000: A Status report on NOAA’s Coastal Ocean Forecast System. Research Activities in Atmospheric
No. 191. Thiebaux, H. J., : B. Katz, : B. Balasubramaniyan, : J. G. W. Kelley : 2000: : Real-Time Data Assimilation in a Coastal Ocean Forecast System. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Ocean Modeling, WMO/WGNE Report No. 30, p8.22-8.23.
No. 192. Krasnopolsky, V., D. Chalikov, and H. L. Tolman, : 2000: A Neural Network Approach to Parameterizing Nonlinear Interactions in Wind Wave Models (to be presented at Conf. on Artificial Intelligence).
No. 193. Breaker, L. C., W. H. Gemmill, and D. S. Crosby, : 2000: A Comparison of Buoy-Observed Winds and Currents at the Western Entrance of the Santa Barbara Channel.
No. 194. Chalikov, D., R. Grumbine, D. B. Rao, and I. Rivin, : 2000: A Unified Ocean Forecast System for Real-Time Applications to Global and Regional Domains. Technical Note.
No. 195. Kelley, J. G. W., : D. Behringer, : H. Jean Thiebuax, : B. Balasubramaniyan : 2000: Assimilation of SST Data into a Real-Time Coastal Ocean Forecast System for the U.S. East Coast
No. 196. Thiebaux, H. J., : B. Katz, : W. Wang, : L. D. Burroughs : 2001: The Real-Time, Global Sea Surface Temperature Analysis: RTG-SST. Technical Procedures Bulletin
No. 197. Thiebaux, H. J., B. Katz and W. Wang, : 2001: New Sea Surface Temperature Analysis Implemented at NCEP. NWP/WAF Conference, July 30-August 3, 2000, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
No. 198. Chao, Y. Y., L. D. Burroughs, and H. L. Tolman, : 2001: The North Atlantic Hurricane Wind Wave Forecasting System (NAH). Technical Procedures Bulletin.
No. 199. Krasnopolsky, V. M., D. V. Chalikov, and H. L. Tolman, : 2001: A Neural Network Technique to Improve Computational Efficiency of Environmental Numerical Models. Technical Procedures Bulletin, 37 pp.
No. 200. Rao, D. B., : 2001: Status of Establishing an Operational Real-Time Coastal Ocean Forecast System at NCEP. /Proceedings, Workshop of the Consortium of East Coast Ocean Observatories, March 28-30, 2001. Florida Atlantic University, Dania Beach, FL./
No. 201. Tolman, H. L., : 2001: Distributed-memory concepts in the wave model WAVEWATCH III. _Parallel Computing_, 28, 35-52.
No. 202. Tolman, H. L., : 2001: Numerics in Wind Wave Models. /Proceeding ECMWF Workshop on Ocean Wave Forecasting, ECMWF,/ 5-16.
No. 203. Gemmill, W. H., : 2001: Statistical Characteristics of QuikSCAT “Real-Time” Ocean Surface Wind Vector Retrievals. /Preprints, 11^th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, /October 15-18, 2001, Madison, WI.
No. 204. Tolman, H. L., : 2001: Improving Propagation in Ocean Wave Models. /Proceedings, Waves 2001, /San Fran., CA, B.L. Edge and J. M. Hemsley Eds, ASCE, 507-516.
No. 205. Breaker, L. C., : J. G. W. Kelley, : D. B. Rao, : L. Rivin,: F. Aikman, : B. Balasubramaniyan : 2001: Development of a Real-Time Coastal Ocean Forecast System. To be submitted to the Bulletin of the American Society
No. 206. Breaker, L. C.: D.B. Rao : John G. W. Kelley : I. Rivin : B. Balasubramaniyan : 2004: Development of a Real-Time Regional Ocean Forecast System with Application to a Domain off the U. S. East Coast. Marine Technology Society Journal, 38, 61-79
No. 207. Chao, Y. Y. and H. L. Tolman, : 2001: Specification of Hurricane Wind Fields for Ocean Wave Prediction. _Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis_, San Francisco, CA, B.L. Edge and J. M. Hemsley, Eds., ASCE, 671-679.
No. 208. Tolman, H. L., : B. Balasubramaniyan, : L. D. Burroughs, : D. V. Chalikov, : Y. Y. Chao, : H. S. Chen : V. M. Gerald : 2002: Development and Implementation of Wind Generated Ocean Surface Wave Models at NCEP. Weather and Forecasting, 17, 311-333.
No. 209. Krasnopolsky, V. M., and W. H. Gemmill, : 2001: Using QuikSCAT Wind Vectors in Data Assimilation Systems. Technical Note.
No. 210. Tolman, H.L., : 2002: Limiters in Third-Generation Wind Wave Models. _Global Atmos. and Ocean. System_, 8, 67-83.
No. 211. Tolman, H. L., : 2002: Alleviating the Garden Sprinkler Effect in Wind Wave Models. _Ocean Modeling_, 4, 269-289.
No. 212. Burroughs, L.D., : 2002: NOAA Coastal Ocean Forecast System (COFS). Technical Procedures Bulletin #489
No. 213. Tolman, H. L., : 2002: Validation of WAVEWATCH III Version 1.15 for a Global Domain. NOAA/NWS/NCEP/OMB Technical Note Nr. 213, 33 pp.
No. 214. Tolman, H. L., : 2002: Testing of WAVEWATCH III Version 2.22 in NCEP’s NWW3 Ocean Wave Model Suite. NOAA/NWS/NCEP/OMB Technical Note Nr. 214, 99 pp.
No. 215. Krasnopolsky, V. M., D. V. Chalikov and H. L. Tolman, : 2002: A Neural Network Technique to Improve Computational Efficiency of Numerical Oceanic Models. _Ocean Modelling_, 4, 363-383.
No. 216. Burroughs, L. D., : 2002: Wave Forecasting for Eastern North Pacific and Adjacent Waters (ENP). Technical Procedure Bulletin #491
No. 217. Burroughs, L. D., : 2002: Ocean Wave Forecasting. Technical Procedure Bulletin #494.
No. 218. Burroughs, L. D. : 2002: Wave Forecasting for the Western North Atlantic and Adjacent Waters (WNA). Technical Procedure Bulletin #495
No. 219. Burroughs, L. D., : 2002: Wave Forecasting for Alaskan Waters (AKW). Technical Procedure Bulletin #496

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OMB Contribution numbers change to MMAB Contribution numbers
Summary of MMAB Papers No. 220. Tolman, H. L., : 2002: The 2002Release of Wave Watch III. Preprints 7^th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, Banff, Canada. Environment Canada, 188-197.
No. 221. Tolman, H. L, : 2003: Treatment of Unresolved Island and Ice in Wind Waves Models. _Ocean Modelling_, 5, 219-231.
No. 222. Tolman, H. L., : 2002: User Manual and System Documentation of WAVEWATCH-III Version 2.22. NOAA/NWS/NCEP/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 222, 133 pp.
No. 223. Krasnopolsky, V. M., : 2002: An Intelligent NN System for Quality Controlled Retrieving the Wind Speed from SSM/I Measurement. 83^rd AMS Meeting, 3^rd Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
No. 224. Krasnopolsky, V. M., H. L. Tolman, D. V. Chalikov, : 2003: A combination of Empirical Orthogonal Function and Neural Network Approaches for Parameterizing Nonlinear Interactions in Wind Wave Models. 3^rd Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications to the Environmental Sciences, 83^rd Annual Meeting of AMS, Long Beach, CA, AMS, Paper 3.10.
No. 225. Krasnopolsky, V. M., H. Schiller, : 2002: Some Neural Network Applications in Environmental Sciences, Part I: Forward and Inverse Problems in Geophysical Remote Measurements. _Neural Networks_ (submitted).
No. 226. Tolman, H. L., : 2003: Optimum Discrete Interaction Approximations for Wind Waves. Part I: Mapping Using Inverse Modeling. NOAA/NWS/NCEP/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 226 57 pp. + Appendices.
No. 227. Krasnopolsky V. M. and H. Schiller, : 2002: Some Neural Network Applications in Environmental Sciences, Part II: Advancing Computational Efficiency of Environmental Numerical Models. _Neural Networks_ (submitted).
No. 228. Tolman, H. L., : 2003: Running WAVEWATCH III on a Linux Cluster. NOAA/NWS/NCEP/MMAB Technical Note 228, 27 pp.
No. 229. Burroughs, L. D., : 2003: Wave Forecasting for Eastern North Pacific and Adjacent Waters. Technical Procedures Bulletin #491.
No. 230. Tolman, H. L., : 2004: Inverse Modeling of Discrete Interaction Approximations for Nonlinear Interactions in Wind Waves. _Ocean Modelling_, 6, 405-422.
No. 231. Gemmill, W. H., : 2003: Comparison of Rain Quality Control Procedures for “Real-Time” QUIKSACT Wind Retrievals. Technical Note.
No. 232. Yu, T.-W., W.H. Gemmill, : 2003: Assimilation Experiments at NCEP Designed to Test Quality Control Procedures and Effective Scale Resolutions for QuikSCAT/Sea Winds Data. 16^th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Seattle, WA, January 2004.
No. 233. Yu, T.-W., V.M. Gerald, : 2003: Evaulation of NCEP Operational Model Forecast of Surface Wind and Pressures Fields Over the Ocean. 16^th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Seattle, WA, January 2004.
No. 234. Tolman, H.L., V.M. Krasnopolsky and D.V. Chalikov, : 2005: Neural Network Approximations for Nonlinear Interactions in Wind Wave Spectra: Direct Mapping for Wind Seas in Deep Water. _Ocean Modelling_, 8, 253-278.
No. 235. Tolman, H.L., J.H.G.M. Alves and Y.Y. Chao, : 2004: A Review of Operational Forecasting of Wind Generated Waves by Hurricane Isabel at NCEP. NOAA/NWS/NCEP/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 235, 45 pp.
No. 236. Burroughs, L.D., : 2004: GFS Global Vessel Icing Guidance Product. Technical Procedures Bulletin #.
No. 237. Burroughs, L.D., : 2004: GFS Global Visibility Guidance Product. Technical Procedures Bulletin.
No. 238. Chao, Y.Y., L.D. Burroughs, H.L. Tolman, : 2004: North Pacific Hurricane Wind Wave Forecast System. Technical Procedures Bulletin MMAB/2004-03
No. 239. Chen, H.S., : D. Behringer, : L.D. Burroughs, : H.L. Tolman : 2004: A Variational Wave Height Data Assimilation System for NCEP Operational Wave Models. Technical Procedures Bulletin MMAB/2004-04
No. 240. Tolman, H.L. and J.H.G.M. Alves, : 2004: Numerical Modeling of Wind Waves Generated by Tropical Cyclones Using Moving Grids. Ocean Modelling, 9, 305-323.
No. 241. Tolman, H.L. and V.M. Krasnopolsky, : 2004: Nonlinear Interactions in Practical Wind Wave Models. Preprints 8^th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, Turtle Bay, Hawaii, paper E1. JCOMM Tech. Rep. 29, WMO/TD-No. 1319
No. 242. Alves, J.H.G.M., H.L. Tolman and Y.Y. Chao, : 2004: Forecasting Hurricane-Generated Wind Waves At NOAA/NCEP. Preprints 8^th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, Turtle Bay, Hawaii, paper G1. JCOMM Tech. Rep. 29, WMO/TD-No 1319
No. 243. Alves, J.H.G.M, : 2006: Numerical Modeling of Ocean Swell Contributions to the Global Wind-Wave Climate. Ocean Modeling 11, 98-122.
No. 244. Alves, J.H.G.M., Y.Y. Chao and Tolman, H.L., : 2005: The Operational North Atlantic Hurricane Wind-Wave Forecasting System at NOAA/NCEP. NOAA/NWS/NCEP/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 244, 59 pp.
No. 245. Tolman, H.L., J.H.G.M Alves and Y.Y. Chao, : 2005: Operational Forecasting of Wind Generated Waves by Hurricane Isabel at NCEP. Weather and Forecasting, 20, 544-557.
No. 246. Chao, Y.Y., J.H.G.M. Alves and H.L. Tolman, : 2005: An Operational System for Predicting Hurricane Generated Wind Waves in The North Atlantic Ocean. Weather and Forecasting, 20, 652-671.
No. 247. Tolman, H.L, : 2005: Optimum Discrete Interaction Approximations for Wind Waves. Part 2: Convergence of Model Integration. NOAA/NWS/NCEP/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 247, 74 pp. + Appendices.
No. 248. Tolman, H.L., : 2005: Recent Developments in WAVEWATCH III at NCEP. Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, Madrid, Spain, B. L. Edge and J.M. Hemsley, Eds., ASCE, Paper 83.00.
No. 249. Gemmill, W.H., B. Katz, X. Li and L.D. Burroughs, : 2006: The Daily Real-Time, Global Sea Surface Temperature – High Resolution
No. 250. Spindler, T., I. Rivin, L. Burroughs and C. Lozano, : 2006: NOAA Real-Time Ocean Forecasting System RTOFS – (Atlantic). Technical Procedure Bulletin, MMAB 2006-02.
No. 251. Tolman, H. L., : 2006: Toward the Third Release of WAVEWATCH III; A Multi-Grid Model Version. 9^th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, Victoria, BC, Canada, 2006.
No. 252. Tolman, H. L., D. Cao, and V. M. Gerald, : 2006: Altimeter Data for use in Wave Models at NCEP, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 252.
No. 253. Chawla, A., : 2007: Global Bathymetry Validation Study, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 253.
No. 254. Chawla, A., H. L. Tolman, : 2007: Automated Grid Generation for WAVEWATCH III, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 254.
No. 255. Chawla, A., H. L. Tolman, : 2007: Obstruction Grids for Spectral Wave Models, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 255.
No. 256. Tolman, H.L., : 2007: Development of a multi-grid version of WAVEWATCH III, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 256.
No. 257. Krasnopolsky, V. M., : M. S. Fox-Rabinovitz, : H.L. Tolman, : A. A. Belochitski : 2007: Neural Network Approach for Robust and Fast Calculation of Physical Processes in Numerical Environmental Models: Compound Parameterization with a Quality Control of Larger Errors, SAIC, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB and UMCP, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Technical Note Nr. 257
No. 258. Krasnopolsky, V. M., : M. S. Fox-Rabinovitz, : A. A. Belochitski : 2007: Decadal Climate Simulations Using Accurate and Fast Neural Network Emulation of Full, Long- and Short Wave, Radiation. SAIC at NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB and UMCP, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Technical Note Nr. 258
No. 259. Spindler, D. M. and H. L. Tolman, : 2007: Example of WAVEWATCH III for the NE Pacific, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 259.
No. 260. Gemmill, W., B. Katz, and X. Li, : 2007: Daily Real-Time, Global Sea Surface Temperature – High-Resolution Analysis: RTG_SST_HR, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB, Science Application International Corporation, and Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation Technical Note Nr. 260.
No. 261. Cao, D., H. S. Chen, and H. L. Tolman, : 2007: Verification of Ocean Wave Ensemble Forecast at NCEP, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 261.
No. 262. Tolman, H. L., : 2007: The 2007 Release of WAVEWATCH III, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 262.
No. 263. Chawla, A., : D. Cao, : V. Gerald, : T. Spindler, : H. L. Tolman : 2007: Operational Implementation of a Multi-Grid Wave Forecasting System NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 263
No. 264. Chao, Y. Y. and H. L. Tolman, : 2007: North Atlantic Wind Waves of 2005 Hurricane Season – Prediction vs. Observation, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 264.
No. 265. Krasnopolsky, V., : M. S. Fox-Rabinovitz,: A. Belochitski : 2007: Using Neural Network Emulations of Model Physics in Numerical Model Ensembles NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 265
No. 266. Spindler, D. M., H. L. Tolman, : 2008: Example of WAVEWATCH III for the Alaska area, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC/MMAB Technical Note Nr. 266.
No. 267. Hendrik Tolman: 2008: A mosaic approach to wind wave modelingOcean Modelling, 25, p. 35-47, 2008.
No. 268. Robert Grumbine: 2008: KML Demonstrations for MMABMMAB Technical Note 268, 6 pp.
No. 269. Hendrik L Tolman: 2008: Optimum Discrete Interaction Approximations for wind waves Part 3: Generalized multiple DIAs
No. 270. Hendrik L. Tolman: 2008: Practical Wind Wave ModelingCBMS Conference Proceedings on Water Waves: Theory and Experiment, Howard University, Word Scientific Publishers
No. 271. Robert Grumbine: 2008: A Lightweight Institutional RepositoryMMAB Technical Note 271, 6pp.
No. 274. Vladimir M. Krasnopolsky, Stephen J. Lord, Shrinivas Moorthi, and Todd Spindler: 2009: Dealing with Inhomogeneous Outputs and High Dimensionality of Neural Network Emulations of Model Physics in Numerical Climate and Weather Prediction ModelsConference paper, The 2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Atlanta, Georgia, June 14-19, 2009
No. 275. Robert Grumbine: 2009: MMAB Marine Hazard Summary ProductMMAB Technical Note, 12 pp.
No. 276. Hendrik L. Tolman: 2009: User manual and system documentation of WAVEWATCH III version 3.14
No. 277. V. M. Krasnopolsky, M. S. Fox-Rabinovitz, Y. T. Hou, S. J. Lord, A. A. Belochits: 2009: Accurate and Fast Neural Network Emulations of Model Radiation for the NCEP Coupled Climate Forecast System: Climate Simulations and Seasonal Predictions
No. 278. Arun Chawla: 2009: Ocean Spectra Climatology in the Gulf of Mexico
No. 279. Degui Cao, Hendrik Tolamn, H.S.Chen, Arun Chawla, Paul Wittmann: 2009: Performance of the ocean wave ensmeble forecast at NCEP.
No. 280. H. L. Tolman: 2009: Practical nonlinear interaction lagorithms.11th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting and 2nd Coastal Hazard symposium, Halifax, Nova Scotia
No. 281. Arun Chawla, H. L. Tolman, J. L. Hanson, E-M Devaliere, V. M. Gerald: 2009: Validation of a Multi-Grid WAVEWATCH III Modeling System11th Waves Forecasting and Hindcasting Waorkshop, Halifax Nova Scotia
No. 282. Robert W. Grumbine: 2009: A posteriori Filtering of Sea Ice Concentration AnalysesMMAB Technical Note, 7 pgs.
No. 283. Yung Y. Chao and Hendrik L. Tolman: 2010: Performance of NCEP Regional Wave Models in Predicting Peak Sea States during the 2005 North Atlantic Hurricane Season
No. 284. Avichal Mehra, Ilya Rivin: 2010: A Real Time Ocean Forecast System for the North Atlantic OceanSysTerr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 21, No. 1, 211-228, February 2010 doi: 10.3319/TAO.2009.04.16.01(IWNOP)
No. 285. Go. Goni et al.: 2009: Applications of Satellite-Derived Ocean Measurements to Tropical Cyclone Intensity ForecastingOceanography Vol. 22, No. 3 September 2009, pp. 191-197.
No. 286. Hendrik L. Tolman: 2010: WAVEWATCH III development best practices
No. 287. Hendrik Tolman: 2010: A note on stationary wave modeling with WAVEWATCH III (R)MMAB Technical Note 287, 7pp.
No. 288. Hendrik L. Tolman: 2010: Optimum Discrete Interaction Approximations for wind waves. Part 4: Parameter optimizationMMAB Tech note 288
No. 289. Hendrik L. Tolman: 2010: A genetic optimization package for the Generalized Multiple DIA in WAVEWATCH IIIMMAB Technical note 289, 28 pp., 2010
No. 290. Deanna M. Spindler, Arun Chawla, Hendrik L. Tolman: 2011: An Initial look at the CFSR Reanalysis winds for wave modelingMMAB Technical Note #290, 29pp., 2011
No. 291. Arun Chawla, Deanna Spindler, Hendrik Tolman: 2011: WAVEWATCH III Hindcasts with Re-analysis winds†. Initial report on model setup100
No. 292. Hendrik L. Tolman: 2011: A conservative nonlinear filter for the high-frequency range of wind wave spectraOcean Modelling
No. 293. Hendrik L. Tolman: 2011: The impact of nonlinear interaction parameterizations on practical wind wave models 12th Inernational Workshop on wave hindcasting and forecasting, Kohala Coast, Hawai'i, HI, 10pp., 2011
No. 297. Hendrik L. Tolman: 2012: A US NOPP project to stimulate wave research wave modelingECMWF Workshop on Ocean Waves, 25-27 June 2012, 6pp.
No. 298. Andre J. van der Westhuysen: 2012: Modeling nearshore wave processesECMWF Workshop on Ocean Waves, 25-27 June 2012, 20pp.

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