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CoRP shieldDan Lindsey

Cooperative Research Program

Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch, in Fort Collins, Colorado
Research Scientist

Recent Publications

To see Dr. Lindsey's complete list of publications, abstracts, and citation metrics, visit his ResearcherID page.

photo: Dan LindseyDan Lindsey earned a B.S. in Mathematics (1998) from the University of Georgia, and a Master's (2002) and PhD (2008) in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University. Before coming to Colorado, he worked as a part-time Meteorologist at The Weather Channel in Atlanta, GA (1998-1999). During the spring of 2002, Daniel taught three undergraduate classes at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley: General Meteorology, Mesoscale Meteorology, and Physical Meteorology. In May 2002, he began working at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) as a research meteorologist, and in September 2004, he joined the NESDIS Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch. Daniel's research interests include mesoscale meteorology and satellite applications to severe weather. His current research projects focus on utilizing both GOES and POES satellite data to improve severe weather analysis and forecasting.


Setvak, M., D. T. Lindsey, P. Novak, P. K. Wang, M. Radova, J. Kerkmann, L. Grasso, S. Su, R. M. Rabin, J. Stastka, and Z. Charvat, 2010: Satellite-observed cold-ring-shaped features atop deep convective clouds. Atmos. Research, 97, July 2010, p. 80-96, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.03.009.

Lindsey, D.T., and M. Fromm, 2008: Evidence of the cloud lifetime effect from wildfire-induced thunderstorms, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L22809, doi:10.1029/2008GL035680.

Fromm, M., O. Torres, D. Diner, D.T. Lindsey, B. Vant Hull, R. Servranckx, E. P. Shettle, and Z. Li, 2008: Stratospheric impact of the Chisholm pyrocumulonimbus eruption: 1. Earth-viewing satellite perspective, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D08202, doi:10.1029/2007JD009153.

Lindsey, D.T., and L.D. Grasso, 2008:  An effective radius retrieval for thick ice clouds using GOES. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology47, 1222-1231.

Rosenfeld, D., W.L. Woodley, A. Lerner, G. Kelman, and D.T. Lindsey: 2008: Satellite detection of severe convective storms by their retrieved vertical profiles of cloud particle effective radius and thermodynamic phase, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D04208, doi:10.1029/2007JD008600.

Lindsey, D.T., D. W. Hillger, L. Grasso, J. A. Knaff, and J. F. Dostalek, 2006: GOES Climatology and Analysis of Thunderstorms with Enhanced 3.9 µm Reflectivity. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134-9, 2342–2353.

Lindsey, D.T., and M.J. Bunkers, 2005: Observations of a severe left-moving supercell on 4 May 2003. Wea. and Forecasting, 20, 15-22.

Hodanish, S., R.L. Holle, and D.T. Lindsey, 2004: A Small Updraft Producing a Fatal Lightning Flash. Wea. and Forecasting, 19, 627-632.

Mostek, A., J.F. Weaver, D.E. Bikos, D.T Lindsey, B.A. Zajac, S. Bachmeier, T. Whittaker, B. Motta, B. Grant, J. LaDue, and J. Ferree, 2004: VISIT: Bringing Training to Weather Service Forecasters Using a New Distance -Learning Tool. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 85, 823-829.

Weaver, J.F., and D.T. Lindsey, 2004: Some frequently overlooked visual severe thunderstorm characteristics observed on GOES imagery – a topic for future research. Mon. Wea. Rev.,132:6, 1529-1533.

Weaver, J.F., D.T. Lindsey, D.E. Bikos, C.C. Schmidt, and E. Prins, 2004: Fire Detection using GOES-11 Rapid Scan Imagery. Wea. and Forecasting, 19:3, 496- 510.

Non Refereed and Informal Publications

Brummer, R.L., M. Sengupta, L. Grasso, D. Hillger, D.T. Lindsey, R. DeMaria, and M. DeMaria: 2009: Synthetic satellite datasets for GOES-R ABI Bands.  16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 11-15 January, Phoenix, AZ.

Lindsey, D.T., 2008: Improving above-surface water vapor analyses using satellite and RUC data. 24th Conference on Severe Local Storms, 27-31 October, Savannah, GA.

Lindsey, D.T., S.D. Miller, J. Braun, and D. Bikos, 2008: An analysis of the 22 May 2008 Windsor, Colorado, tornado.  24th Conference on Severe Local Storms, 27-31 October, Savannah, GA.

Lindsey, D.T., D.W. Hillger, and L.D. Grasso, 2008: Development of severe weather products for the GOES-R advanced baseline imager.  5th GOES Users Conference, 21-25 January, New Orleans, LA.

Lindsey, D.T., 2008: Examining a possible relationship between positive dominated storms and cloud-top ice crystal size.  3rd Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data, 21-25 January, New Orleans, LA.

Grasso, L.D., M. Sengupta, and D T. Lindsey, 2008: Synthetic GOES-R imagery development and uses.  5th GOES Users Conference, 21-25 January, New Orleans, LA.

Hillger, D.W., T. Schmit, D.T. Lindsey, J.A. Knaff, J. Daniels, 2007:  An overview of GOES-13 science test.  3rd Symposium on Future National Operational Environmental Satellites, 14-18 January 2007, San Antonio, TX.

Lindsey D.T., and L.D. Grasso, 2007:  Exploring the relationship between satellite-retrieved ice crystal size and thunderstorm intensity. 4th European Conference on Severe Storms, 10-14 September, Trieste, Italy.

Lindsey, D.T. and L.D. Grasso, 2007: Modeling GOES-R 6.185-10.35 micron brightness temperature differences above cold thunderstorm tops. 3rd AMS Symposium on Future National Operational and Environmental Satellites, 14-18 January, San Antonio, TX.

Lindsey, D.T. and L.D. Grasso, 2007:  Numerical simulation of the effects of CCN on thunderstorm intensity and evolution. EUMETSAT Training Workshop on Interpretation of Satellite Images/ Products of Convective Storms, 5-7 September, Trieste, Italy.

Sengupta, M. L.D Grasso, D.T. Lindsey, and M. DeMaria, 2007: Validation of mesoscale model output with satellite observations. 3rd AMS Symposium on Future National Operational and Environmental Satellites, 14-18 January, San Antonio, TX.

Setvák, M., Lindsey, D.T., Novák, P., Rabin, R.M., Wang, P.K., Kerkmann, J., Radová, M., and Stástka, J., 2008: Cold-ring shaped storms in Central Europe. The 2008 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 8-12 September, Darmstadt, Germany.

Setvak, M., P. Novak, D.T. Lindsey, R.M. Rabin, P.K. Wang, and M. Radova, 2007:  Central European convective storms penetrating deep into the lower stratosphere - MSG IR  and radar observations and radiative transfer modeling. 4th European Conference on Severe Storms, 10-14 September, Trieste, Italy.

Grasso, L.D., and D.T. Lindsey, 2006: Analysis of a hook echo and RFD from a simulated supercell on 8 May 2003. AMS Symposium on the Challenges of Severe Convective Storms. 29 January-3 February, Atlanta, GA.

Grasso, L.D., M. Sengupta, and D.T. Lindsey, 2006. A technique for computing hydrometeor effective radius in bins of a gamma distribution. AMS 14th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography. 29 January-3 February, Atlanta, GA.

Lindsey, D.T., 2006: A Climatological Study of Ice Cloud Reflectivity over the Continental US. AMS 14th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography. 29 January-3 February, Atlanta, GA.

Sengupta, M., L.D. Grasso, D.T. Lindsey, and M. DeMaria, 2006: Statistical comparisons of model output with satellite observations: a severe weather case. AMS 14th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography. 29 January-3 February, Atlanta, GA.

Hillger, D.W., T. Schmit, D.T. Lindsey, J.A. Knaff, and J. Daniels, 2006: An Overview of GOES-N Science Test. AMS 14th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography. 29 January-3 February, Atlanta, GA.

Lindsey, D.T., 2005: Using satellite imagery to improve on-air forecasts and nowcasts. AMS 34th Conference on Broadcast Meteorology, August 1-5, Washington, DC.

Lindsey, D.T., and L.D. Grasso, 2005: Reflective storm tops: a satellite method for inferring thunderstorm top microphysical structure. AMS 21st Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, August 1-5, Washington, DC.

Lindsey, D.T., 2004: Using satellite imagery to improve forecasts and nowcasts. AMS 33rd Conference on Broadcast Meteorology, June 14-18, New Orleans, LA.

Lindsey, D.T.and M.J. Bunkers, 2004: On the motion and interaction between left- and right-moving supercells on 4 May 2003. 22nd Conference on Severe Local Storms, 3-8 October, Hyannis, MA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., paper 12.2.

Lindsey, D.T.., D.E. Bikos, J.F. Weaver, and A. Mostek, 2004: The VISIT Program -- Transferring Research to Operations. 20th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 11-15 January, Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., paper 19.1.

Lindsey, D.T., D.E. Bikos, A. Mostek, S. Bachmeier, T. Whittaker, J.F. Weaver, B.N. Grant, and J. LaDue, 2004: VISIT -- Providing Teletraining for Operational Forecasters. 13th Symposium on Education, 11-15 January, Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., paper 3.2.

Mostek, A., S. Bachmeier, T. Whittaker, D.E. Bikos, D.T. Lindsey, J.F. Weaver, M. DeMaria, B. Grant, and J. LaDue, 2003: VISITview—Connecting Instructors with Operational Forecasters. 19th Conference on IIPS, 10-14 February, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CD-ROM, P1.44.

Zajac, B.A., J.F. Weaver, D.E. Bikos, and D.T. Lindsey, 2002: Lightning Meteorology II: An Advanced Course on Forecasting with Lightning Data. 21st Conference on Severe Local Storms, 12-16 August, San Antonio, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 438- 441.


Connell, B.H., D.E. Bikos, D.T, Lindsey, J.F. Weaver, A. Mostek, 2004: National and International Training Activities at CIRA. CIRA Magazine.

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