Congressman Chris Collins

Representing the 27th District of New York
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Full Biography

The residents of New York’s 27th Congressional District elected Chris Collins to serve as their representative in Congress on November 6, 2012.

Chris comes to Capitol Hill with both private and public sector experience. Before serving as Erie County Executive, Chris built a career as a business owner and entrepreneur, creating and saving hundreds of American jobs.

Private Sector Businessman

Chris Collins is a successful small businessman with 36 years in the private sector, saving and creating hundreds of good paying jobs in Erie, Niagara, and Monroe counties. His current companies include:

  • Bloch Industries – Kitchen cabinet & commercial casework company – Monroe County
  • Audubon Machinery – Oxygen machinery, solar panels, micro wind turbines – Niagara County
  • Volland Electric – Electric repair shop, crane & hoist and electrical distributor – Erie County
  • Mead Supply – Equipment rental company – Erie County
  • ZeptoMetrix Corporation – Biotechnology (infectious disease) company – Erie County

The key to success at all of these companies is the implementation of Lean Six Sigma to drive efficiency and quality. Continuous improvement and focus on customer service is what makes these companies successful.

The Congressman began his professional career with Westinghouse Electric in 1972, spending eleven years with the company in various positions of increasing responsibility including Manger of the Westinghouse Gear Division. When Westinghouse announced it was closing its Buffalo facility, Collins purchased the assets of the Gear Division and founded the Niagara Falls based industrial gear manufacturer Nutall Gear Corporation in 1983.

Erie County Executive

In 2007, Chris Collins was elected Erie County Executive despite a voter enrollment of almost two Democrats for every one Republican. He took over the largest county in Upstate New York with a $1.2 billion budget and 5,000+ employees that was effectively bankrupt. It had a state imposed control board, no cash surplus, runaway debt, and many roads, bridges, parks and beaches were closed. By running Erie County like a business and implementing Lean Six Sigma, Collins achieved staggering results. In 4 years, Erie County was transformed from a county in the worst financial shape of any county in New York, to one with these results:

  • Reduced overall debt by over $120 million
  • Created a cash surplus in excess of $100 million
  • Reduced county employment by over 1,200 employees (22%) saving $72 million per year
  • Reopened every bridge, road, park and beach that was closed and even rebuilt the historic toboggan runs
  • One of the few large counties to fully pay state imposed pension costs without borrowing
  • Got rid of the State imposed fiscal control authority in 18 months and got approval for a 4 year plan (2012-2015) that would further reduce county debt by another $100 million

Core Values

Chris Collins articulated 6 core values that formed the basis for decision-making in Erie County and will carry these core values to Washington as the Congressman for the 27th Congressional District:

  • Smaller Government – reform the tax code lowering rates and eliminating loopholes
  • Personal Accountability – never increasing entitlement programs
  • Local Decision Making – stopping Washington from telling us how to live our lives
  • Fiscal Discipline – balance the federal budget in 10 years
  • Government that Serves Taxpayers – not a government that serves the special interests
  • Respecting Future Generations – not robbing our children and grandchildren of a bright future


Chris lives in Clarence, NY with his wife Mary. He has 3 children and 3 grandchildren. He has a BS Mechanical Engineering from NC State and an MBA in Finance from University of Alabama – Birmingham. He is a life-long member of Boy Scouts, an Assistant Scoutmaster, an Eagle Scout, a member of the Executive Board – Greater Niagara Frontier Council (GNFC) and chairman of the GNFC National Jamboree for 2001, 2005, 2010, and 2013 as well as the World Jamboree for 2007. Chris is the recipient of the prestigious Silver Beaver Award for service to scouting and named 2005 Horizon Citizen of the Year.