BAMC Staff Members Show Appreciation for Patients

In honor of Patient Recognition Month, we asked Brooke Army Medical Center staff, “What do you most appreciate about BAMC patients?” The following are just a few of the responses. Please don’t hesitate to add your thoughts in the comment section below. 

Barbara Prado
Medical Support Technician

“That no matter what they’re going through – their families, their dads and husbands are away — they still have a smile; they’re very courteous. That makes our job easier when they’re so polite, so understanding and caring, and so we try to give that back to them.” For video clip, click here.

Lt. Col. (Dr.) Edward McDaniel
Internal Medicine Physician

“I love taking care of the patients here at Brooke Army Medical Center. They’re such a wonderful group – retirees, their family members, active duty personnel. They really want to take care of themselves and get better; [they're] really committed to their health.” For video clip, click here.

Air Force Maj. Bryan Williams
Staff Maxillofacial Prosthodontist

“What I most appreciate about our patients here is not only that they do serve or have served our country, but they’re also very appreciative of the treatment that we do and the treatment we provide for them. And they’re very appreciative of the doctors and staff.” For video clip, click here.

Kyle Johannsen
Kinesiotherapist,Cardiac Rehabilitation

“What I most appreciate is the opportunity to give back. Being a veteran myself, growing up in a military background, the chance to give back to the sacrifice of veterans here and seeing their willingness to get better on their own. The chance to do that for them … that’s what I really like about it.” For video clip, click here.

Shatanya Gilliam

“The things they go through in war. When they come back they have to come through the transition of knowing a difference. And that difference is, they have to get better. I thank them for that.” For video clip, click here.

Get Connected: BAMC Launches Guest Wi-Fi for Patients, Families

Patti Steward, senior wireless engineer for Brooke Army Medical Center Information Management Division, discusses BAMC’s new guest wireless service with wireless engineers Saul Valdez, Phillip Forister and Rosendo B. Flores. U.S. Army photo by Robert Shields

Beneficiaries are now able to text, Facebook, Tweet and browse the Internet while at San Antonio Military Medical Center, thanks to a new guest wireless service for patients and their families.

The 180-day pilot program, which will run through mid-July, enables beneficiaries to connect to Wi-Fi while in the hospital using their tablets, smart phones or any other web-capable wireless device.

“We don’t want the ability to communicate with loved ones hinder people from coming here or detract from their quality of care,” said Army Maj. Anthony Bradway, chief technology officer for Brooke Army Medical Center’s Information Management Division.

For detailed connection instructions, visit a SAMMC information desk. For more on this service, click here.