From Fermilab's Director

Message from Pier Oddone

Pier Oddone

Forging ahead on three frontiers

What does the future hold for Fermilab? To answer this question, we’ll need to take a journey to the Frontiers.

At the Intensity Frontier, particle physicists explore fundamental particles and forces of nature using intense particle beams and highly sensitive detectors. With these tools, we search for signals of new physics phenomena by measuring elusive particles – such as neutrinos – and extremely rare processes that carry the imprints of phenomena beyond our direct reach. Fermilab has already staked its claim on this Frontier, and is today home to the most intense high-energy beam of neutrinos in the world. Project X, a proposed new Fermilab accelerator, would ensure our future leadership, serving as the key component in the world’s most powerful set of facilities for the exploration of neutrinos and rare processes.

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All Hands Meetings

Director's Corners

Fermilab Director Pier Oddone writes a column every Tuesday in Fermilab Today, the laboratory's daily online publication. The following Director's Corners discuss various aspects of Fermilab's plan for the future, including how budget decisions made by the federal government affect the laboratory. If you'd like to read more, please visit the full Director's Corner archive

Last modified: 09/29/2011  |