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  • The Biggest Explosions in the Solar System

    June 12, 2001

    Scientists hope NASA's HESSI spacecraft will unravel an explosive mystery: the origin of solar flares.

  • Eclipse Safari

    June 19, 2001

    On Thursday, June 21st, the Moon's shadow will race across southern Africa for the only total solar eclipse of 2001. The display will delight some creatures and put others to sleep.

  • The Phantom Torso

    May 4, 2001

    An unusual space traveler named Fred is orbiting Earth on board the International Space Station. His job? To keep Astronautssafe from space radiation.

  • Seven Billion Miles and Counting

    May 3, 2001

    Last week NASA received a weak signal from Pioneer 10, twice as far from the Sun as Pluto and speeding toward the constellation Taurus.

  • Dust Begets Dust

    May 22, 2001

    Everyone knows that dry weather leads to dusty soils, but new research suggests that dust might in turn lead to dry weather.

  • Bracing for an Interplanetary Traffic Jam

    June 6, 2001

    NASA is improving its already-extraordinary traffic control system for interplanetary spacecraft, the Deep Space Network, in preparation for a flurry of activity in deep space.

  • A Close Encounter with Mars

    June 21, 2001

    Today Earth and Mars will experience their closest encounter in a dozen years. Stargazers won't want to miss The Red Planetblazing bright in the midnight sky.

  • Anticipating the Perseids

    July 31, 2001

    The 2001 Perseid meteor shower peaks on August 12th. Will it be an extraordinary sky show like last year -- or a moonlit disappointment? This story explains how to see for yourself.

  • Unmasking the Face on Mars

    May 24, 2001

    New high-resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft reveal the Face on Mars for what it really is: a mesa.

  • Brainy 'Bots

    May 29, 2001

    NASA's own 'Bionic Woman' is applying artificial intelligence to teach Robotshow to behave a little more like human explorers.