NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory researcher teaches course in China

NSSL’s Dave Stensrud, Ph.D., recently gave a Short Course on “Parameterization Schemes for Numerical Weather Prediction Models” at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.

The course was a very intensive introduction to the parameterization of physical processes in numerical weather prediction models.

“This is a challenging topic, but one that is becoming more and more important as numerical models are used to study so many aspects of weather and climate,” said Stensrud.

Over 100 graduate students and faculty members attended the two lectures, the first in a series of Short Courses that National Weather Center Scientists will teach at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics during the next couple of years. The lectures are part of a multifaceted effort by the National Weather Center to play a leading role in U.S. interactions with the Chinese Atmospheric Science community.

Stensrud is Chief of the Forecast Research and Development Division of the NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory and an Adjunct Professor in the OU School of Meteorology. The Short Course was based on Dave’s recently published book on “Parameterization Schemes: Keys to Understanding Numerical Weather Prediction Models” (Cambridge University Press, 2009).