PHCR-E Food Protection Program
DSN: (314) 486-8956/7134
Comm: 49 (0) 637 186 8956 / 7134
PHCR-E Animal Medicine Program

Animal Medicine Program

animal medicine

Within Public Health Command Region- Europe, Veterinarians utilize their training and experience to provide primary care for all government owned animals in Europe. PHCR-E also operates one of the largest veterinary hospitals within the DoD capable of providing Level IV veterinary care for Military Working Dogs (MWDs) along with referral care and emergency medicine for MWDs in EUCOM, CENTCOM, and AFRICOM. While providing care for MWDs is a primary focus, PHCR-E also operates veterinary treatment facilities throughout Europe providing routine care for service members’ pets. Through routine vaccination and wellness programs, PHCR-E veterinarians are able to improve animal health while minimizing the risk of zoonotic disease. Routine surgical procedures are performed at most veterinary treatment facilities, while more advanced procedures can be offered on a consultation basis. PHCR-E also actively monitors international pet travel requirements to ensure a smooth transition for service members and their pets to their next duty assignment.

Public Health Command Region-Europe veterinarians play a large role in veterinary public health. PHCR-E works closely with Preventative Medicine (PM) to ensure that each installation maintains a successful rabies prevention program to include surveillance and consultation on all reported human-animal bite cases. Through teamwork, PHCR-E and PM are able to ensure that service members and their families receive the most appropriate treatment by assessing the rabies risk for the area. The public health component of PHCR-E’s mission extends to local Child Development Centers as well. All animals utilized by installation CDC’s are routinely examined by PHCR-E veterinarians to ensure that they are healthy and provided with proper care. PHCR-E also focuses on educating the community regarding local pet laws and by actively participating in various Garrison sponsored events.

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