ACAP On-Line the Army's Official Transition Web Site. Start your transition process with Preseparation Counseling.


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As an Active or Reserve Component Soldier, you have earned valuable services and benefits as a result of your military service. You can take advantage of these benefits and services, however, only if you understand those you're eligible for and how you can receive them. Congress has directed the military services to provide each transitioning service member a preseparation counseling session no less than 90 days before separation. Preseparation counseling provides an overview of the wide range of benefits, services and programs that are available to transitioners and makes referrals to helpful service providers for further information. This preseparation information is so important, that your installation will not let you clear until you have participated in the required counseling and received your completed DD Form 2648 or 2648-1. You owe it to yourself and your family to complete a counseling session as soon as possible.

ACAP On-Line puts you in charge of how you receive preseparation counseling by providing three easy options for getting started:

Starting early will ensure that duty demands don't prevent you from getting the services you want and need. Retiring Soldiers can start using ACAP services up to two years before their retirement and non-retiring Soldiers can start one year before their separation date. Active Component Soldiers preparing for deployment whose separation date will occur during, or within 90 days following, deployment and mobilized Reserve Component Soldiers on active duty for 180 days or more can receive services. Keep in mind that non-retiring veterans and non-Army retirees can use ACAP for up to 180 days after separation. Army retirees can use ACAP on a space available basis beyond the 180 days following retirement for the rest of their lives.

Whatever your situation, ACAP can make a positive difference. You can learn about your benefits and have access to valuable job search resources such as workshops and counseling. You’ll also find research tools and automated resources. Once you no longer are on active duty, you’ll continue to receive the same kind of support. Even if you don’t live near an ACAP Center, ACAP On-Line can keep you in touch with the information and services you need. Consider ACAP your resource for all your transition needs.

A preseparation timeline that considers your personal needs and goals can help you organize tasks and requirements and ensure you have a successful transition.

Frequently Asked Questions answer basic Active and Reserve Component questions and addresses many of the concerns associated with leaving the Service.