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Collaborative Studies and Surveys

Occasionally, a particular buyer or importing country reports repeated discrepancies between contracted quality or quantity and product received that cannot be resolved by a shipment-by-shipment review. In such cases, GIPSA may institute collaborative sample studies or joint monitoring activities to address the discrepancy in a more comprehensive manner.

Protein Collaborative Study

GIPSA coordinates a voluntary wheat protein collaborative study to compare our protein results to those of wheat importers. As part of this study, GIPSA's Technology and Science Division (TSD) collects wheat market samples from various areas of the United States representing various protein ranges. TSD selects 20 of the samples for use in the study based on their geographic origin and protein range.

These samples are divided into representative portions, and each participating mill tests the samples for protein. The mills report protein from the 20 samples based on a 12 percent moisture basis. Participants return results, and we prepare a statistical report with the names of the participants coded to protect their identity.

Export Cargo Sampling Project

The Export Cargo Sampling Project (ECSP) is an annual activity between GIPSA and U.S. Wheat Associates (USWA) whereby GIPSA's field offices submit 10 percent of export sublots of wheat during three survey periods. Different portions of the samples are examined for quality, end use characteristics, hardness, scab damage, pesticide residues, cadmium, lead, and vomitoxin. Results on the quality attributes of these wheat export samples are published in USWA's Annual Crop Quality Report, which advises importers worldwide on the quality of the current U.S. wheat crop.

For more information, please contact GIPSA's Departmental Initiatives and International Affairs at (202) 720-0226.