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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 57 No 2

Autumn 1994
Vol. 57 No 2


Intermodalism and ISTEA

by Lawrence Dwyer

Our transportation system functions as a true system, a network that links virtually every point to all the other points by one means or another, so people and goods can move at reasonable speed and economical cost to their desired destinations.

Lincoln Builds First Heated Pedestrian Viaduct

by Milo D. Cress and Al Imig

When, in the summer of 1990, bridge inspectors in Lincoln, Neb., identified a significant structural problem with the 131-meter (430-feet) through-girder viaduct that was constructed in 1909 to carry 10th Street traffic over several railroad tracks, officials of the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) and the city of Lincoln decided to replace it with the nation's first heated pedestrian viaduct and a separate vehicular viaduct.

Comparison of the Safety of Lighting Options on Urban Freeways

by Michael S. Griffith

Nationwide accident statistics show that more than 50 percent of fatal accidents occur during the hours of darkness. Because only 25 percent of travel occurs during the same period, the fatality rate is about three times higher at night than during the day. The installation of overhead lighting is a potential countermeasure to this nighttime accident problem. However, this is expensive, and much of the research to date offers inconclusive results about its effect on highway safety.

Civil Rights Implications of ISTEA

by Edward W. Morris Jr.

Passage of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) ushered in a new era of choice, freedom, and flexibility for the states. Under ISTEA, state transportation agencies have more flexibility than ever before in managing their programs and are freed from much unnecessary federal interference and bureaucratic delay.

Guaranteeing Access to Transportation

by Nita Congress

In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law. ADA decrees that any entity -- be it a building, a restaurant, an office, a sidewalk, a restroom, a bus, you name it -- that is open to the public must be accessible to people with disabilities.

Tube Freight Transportation

by Lawrence Vance and Milton K. Mills

Under a research program on advanced freight movement, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) with the support of the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center is examining the technical and economic feasibility of tube transportation systems to address future freight transportation requirements.

Making More Modes

Several national surveys confirm that bicycling and walking are popular activities among Americans of all ages. An estimated 131 million Americans regularly bicycle or walk for exercise, sport, recreation, or simply for relaxation and enjoyment of the outdoors. However, as modes of transportation, bicycling and walking have not yet realized their potential.

The Use of Recycled Materials in Highway Construction

by Pamela P. Marston

As the world population grows, so do the amount and type of waste being generated. Many of the wastes produced today will remain in the environment for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years. The creation of nondecaying waste materials, combined with a growing consumer population, has resulted in a waste disposal crisis. One solution to this crisis lies in recycling waste into useful products.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration