Vision, Mission


The Army's sustainment think tank and premier learning institution, delivering game-changing professionals and solutions.


CASCOM trains, educates and grows adaptive sustainment professionals; develops and integrates innovative Army and Joint sustainment capabilities, concepts and doctrine to enable Unified Land Operations.

Core Competencies

CASCOM has an extremely broad and diverse mission and vision. As a result, the Command's set of core competencies are equally complex.

These three core competencies are to:

  • Execute IMT for sustainment of Soldiers and civilians
  • Prepare the Army to sustain FSO in a JIIM environment
  • Design, develop, and integrate sustainment capabilities into warfighting requirements, foster innovation, and lead change for the future force

Core Functions

  • Manage, recruit, access, and distribute DA civilian logistics interns for career programs (CPs) 13/17/24, and other sustainment CPs as appropriate
  • Develop and conduct sustainment related IMT that includes Inter-service Training Review Organizations (ITROs) and initial training for civilian interns in sustainment CPs.
  • Develop sustainment doctrine and conduct sustainment leader development, military and civilian functional training, training development, and training support functions.
  • Execute concept development, requirements determination, and capabilities integration.

Key Enablers – Knowledge Management and Lessons Learned

Knowledge Management (KM):

Transfer sustainment operational knowledge throughout the force to maintain currency and convey the wisdom of the Army’s collective expertise.

Lessons learned/quality assurance (L2):

Deliberately and systematically collect, analyze, and archive sustainment field data for dissemination and integration in training and products for all TRADOC schools; and integration across the DOTMLPF domains to sustain, enhance, and increase the Army’s preparedness to conduct current and future operations.

Lead Responsibilities

CASCOM and SCoE is the TRADOC lead for the sustainment dimension of many core functions. Examples include functional training, leader development and education, training support, doctrine, concepts, experimentation, requirements determination, and capability integration.

Other Functions

CASCOM has major responsibilities to assist TRADOC in accomplishing it's larger mission. CASCOM also serves as a key enabler to the TRADOC Futures Center and performs major oversight and command responsibilities with respect to CASCOM subordinate commands.

Assistance with TRADOC core functions:

  • Initial military training (IMT)
  • Leader development
  • Lessons learned (L2)
  • Doctrine
  • Training development
  • Training support
  • Functional training
  • Concept development
  • Requirements determination
  • Capabilities integration

CASCOM and SCoE as a key TRADOC enabler

  • KM. Provides KM for the sustainment warfighting function.
  • L2. Deliberately and systematically collect, analyze, and archive sustainment field data for dissemination and integration in training and products for all TRADOC schools.
  • Develops, integrates, validates, and maintains capabilities innovation in the sustainment areas.

Other major subordinate command (MSC) responsibilities

  • MC.
  • The Army modular force
  • Network integration
  • International engagement
  • Conducts research, publishes, and maintains museum exhibits and other presentations to influence thought with regard to the role of sustainment in military operations both past and future.