BPA Power Services
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Power Services Home Page

How to Contact Power Services

General Power Services Contact Information:

If you cannot find contact information for a specific Power Services employee on the Power Services web site, please call the Bonneville Power Administration main switchboard operator at:

  • 503-230-3000 (local, Portland, OR)
  • 1-800-282-3713 (toll-free)

Power Services Customer-Related Contacts:
Power Services Web-Related Contacts:

For comments and questions regarding the information (content) on a specific Power Services web page, please contact the author listed at the bottom of the page.

For all other Power Services web site questions and comments, please use BPA's on-line Comment Form, or contact the BPA Web Team.

Other Contact Information:

Here are some links to contact information on other Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) web sites:


Page content last modified on:  September 29, 2006.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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