What's NewWhy PlanSign-up for email updates

Secretarial Order 3326:
Maintenance and Protection of the National Mall and its Historic Landscape. 

Order signed by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar on January 24, 2013.

Analysis of Tour Bus Operations Phase I:
  Off-Bus Data Collection and Photographic Documentation at Loading
and Unloading Zones.

National Mall and Memorial Parks Pedestrian Sign Guidelines

National Mall National Register Nomination
The National Park Service is now in the second year of a three year research project to update the National Register of Historic Places Nomination for the National Mall.The final nomination will be available in 2014.

Design Competition
The Trust for the National Mall and the NPS are moving forward with predesign for Constitution Gardens and Washington Monument Grounds Sylvan Theater Area

View the three winning competition conceptual designs.

Construction Project Updates
- The National Mall Plan is being implemented. Find out about progress on
construction projects.

Ways to Help

Authorized fundraising partnership:
Trust for the National Mall

Be A Volunteer

Contact us

Questions can be sent to nationalmallplan@nps.gov

National Mall Plan
National Mall and Memorial Parks
900 Ohio Drive SW
Washington, DC 20024

Thank you for your continued interest in the future of the National Mall.

Pennsylvania Avenue Planning update
The NPS is preparing a Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site Environmental Assessment(EA) expected to be released to the public in the spring of 2013. The EA will address how the avenue can be lively and vibrant as well as a grand ceremonial boulevard. You can find out more
information by clicking here

Links to National Mall & Memorial Parks Management Documents
and Washington DC Transportation Study

Click to view National Mall video

Watch the Video from Discovery Communications - Official Media Partner of the National Mall Plan

The National Mall Plan's
Final Environmental Impact Statement,
Federal Register Notice of Availability,
Record of Decision,
National Mall Plan: Summary
Programmatic Agreement
and attachments.