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New Sustainability Plan Puts GSA on Path to Zero Environmental Footprint Goal

Video Length: 1 minute 25 seconds

Administrator Martha Johnson says the agency's goal of Zero Environmental Footprint is achievable. ZEF is going to take ideas, commitment, and action, Johnson says, but she adds that she is confident that GSA staff has what it takes.

The agency has submitted its sustainability plan to the White House, and the 100-page document sets the bar high when it comes to reaching for ZEF. In a speech about going green Johnson recently gave to some of the government and industry partners’ highest level executives, she said, "GSA is not just talking about it; we’re doing it."

Johnson told the group that GSA is hiring and looking for people who are willing to take chances to make big changes. She says GSA will use federal buildings as a green proving ground for new technologies and techniques. The agency will also develop and implement technology to track purchases of green products across government and implement many more changes as we head toward ZEF.

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