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GSA Employee Returns from Afghanistan

Employee Spends Four Months Supporting Military in War Zone

Video Length: 2 minutes, 32 seconds

When the Department of Defense needed to get supplies to the troops in Afghanistan more quickly, it turned to GSA's Federal Acquisition Service. The solution to the problem turned out to be Ron Walker. The director of logistics management and customer support for the Greater Southwest Region, Walker volunteered to go to Afghanistan and spend four months working with the military to streamline the supply chain and remove obstacles.

“GSA brought a tremendous asset to the fight here,” said Army Major Detrice Mosby, the senior logistician for the southern region of Afghanistan.

Walker lived with the troops, eating what they ate and sleeping in a metal cot like they did. He returned home to Texas recently, where he’ll take some well-deserved time off before getting back to work. In his place, three new volunteers are headed to Afghanistan to keep the supplies chains open and running smoothly.


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GSA Employee Returns from Afghanistan