Coaching Center

Why Use A Coach?

Personalized, on-demand support―before, during and after deployment
VA for Vets coaches provide confidential, one-on-one guidance to help Military Service Members navigate the transition between their military and civilian roles. They are knowledgeable Veterans who can relate to the experiences of Military Service Members and direct them to the resources they need to successfully deploy and reintegrate.

Using a coach is completely voluntary. If you are a Military Service Member and decide to contact a coach, he or she will be your partner throughout the entire deployment process, helping you navigate your career transitions and professional development needs. Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, a coach is available to support your success.

If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, you may benefit from coaching services:

  • Are you preparing to mobilize or deploy?
  • Are you returning from deployment?
  • Do you have questions or want to learn more about your rights under the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act (USERRA)?
  • Do you need help resolving an issue in your current position at VA?
  • Do you need assistance navigating the VA for Vets website?
  • Are you looking for a new position at VA?


To get started, call 1-855-VA4VETS (1-855-824-8387, TTY: 1-855-824-8833) or complete the Request a Coach Form to have a coach assigned to you.



​For one-on-one coaching assistance, call now:
