
Training Directory

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    • Woman
    • 10/31/2011
    • Observe effective communication between a supervisor and a Military Service Member who has just learned of an upcoming deployment. The video includes instructions for supervisors on how to use a Letter of Agreement and Transition Plan to clarify roles during this phase of the deployment lifecycle.

    • Seated woman
    • 11/1/2011
    • The pre-deployment phase of the deployment lifecycle begins when a Military Service Member receives his or her orders to deploy. Learn how a supervisor can effectively discuss an upcoming deployment.
    • Woman handing paper across desk
    • 11/2/2011
    • During the pre-deployment phase, supervisors are responsible for meeting one-on-one with service members who are about to deploy. This video demonstrates how a supervisor can use effective communications skills, including active listening, to address a Military Service Member’s concerns while planning for the workload transition.
    • Man at computer
    • 11/3/2011
    • Learn best practices for supervisors in communicating with Military Service Members while they are deployed.
    • Woman talking on phone.
    • 11/4/2011
    • Observe effective communication between a supervisor and a Military Service Member who has just completed a deployment. This video shows how a supervisor can demonstrate support and set the stage to welcome a Military Service Member back to work.
    • Woman and man talking over desk.
    • 11/5/2011
    • Learn effective ways for a supervisor to communicate with a Military Service Member about how to help him or her transition back into a work setting after deployment.
    • Woman and man talking over desk.
    • 11/6/2011
    • Observe how a supervisor can provide difficult feedback to a Military Service Member who has recently returned from deployment. The video shows how to respect privacy while directing a Military Service Member to resources that can assist him or her with overall well-being in addition to work performance.
    • Leading the Way
    • 7/26/2012
    • Observe how supervisors and colleagues can help Military Service Members return from deployment and adjust to the civilian workforce.
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