Mission/Tenant Units

Area III and USAG Humphreys is home to many units. This page is the gateway to all our units' sites, or in the absence of a separate unit site, publicly releasable information for them. While the majority are headquartered at Camp Humphreys, some are located at Osan Air Base and Suwon Air Base.

USAG Humphreys houses the Eighth United States Army military confinement facility in South Korea which detains Soldiers sentenced for no more than a year to confinement, or until they are transferred to a military prison facility in the United States. There is currently no single major headquarters on the base, but garrison command is exercised by the US Army Installation Management Agency.

Eighth Army is the ultimate tactical parent unit for most of the organizations on the base. Current units include, but are not limited to, the 194th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 501st Military Intelligence Brigade, 3rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 532nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 527th Military Intelligence Battalion, 501st Signal Company, 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade (2nd Infantry Division), 501st Sustainment Brigade, 52nd Ordnance Company, 557th Military Police Company, and the 249th MP Detachment.

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Date created: 8/26/2010 11:19:46 AM
Date last updated: 7/30/2012 8:26:08 AM