• What are offsets?
  • What is the Bureau of Industry and Security’s role in defense offsets?
  • What offset activities should be reported to BIS and who is responsible for reporting them to BIS?
  • Should foreign subsidiaries or foreign affiliates of U.S. firms report their offset activities to BIS?
  • What is an offset agreement and an offset transaction?
  • What is the difference between direct offsets and indirect offsets?
  • What are the different types of offset transactions?
  • What is the difference between the “actual value” and “credit value” of an offset transaction?
  • What is the difference between co-production and licensed production in the context of BIS’s annual report on Offsets in Defense Trade?
  • What is the difference between a subcontract and a purchase in the context of BIS’s annual report on Offsets in Defense Trade?
  • One of my offset transactions included a combination of technology transfer, training and co-production. How should I classify this transaction to BIS?
  • What are performance measures and non-performance penalties?
  • When does the December 23, 2009 rule go into effect?
  • What are the major changes to the offset regulation included in the December 23, 2009 rule?
  • What is the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) and why does BIS use the NAICS?
  • How do I determine the appropriate NAICS code based on the SIC code?
  • My company has never classified our products against the NAICS or SIC. How do I know which codes are appropriate?
  • Do I need to submit NAICS codes for offset agreements and transactions that were reported to BIS in previous years?
  • Why did BIS amend the offset regulation?
  • Where should U.S. firm offset submissions be sent, and in what format should the report be?
  • My company completed a transaction in one year but the foreign offset authority has not approved the transaction by the end of the year. In which year should I report that offset transaction?
  • My firm previously reported offset agreements and transactions to BIS, but did not enter into any new agreements or claim credit on transactions for the previous calendar year. Do I still need to submit something to BIS?
  • How does BIS ensure that business proprietary information submitted by U.S. firms is protected from public disclosure?
  • What are the penalties if a company does not comply with the new offset regulation?
  • What is the U.S. government policy on offsets in defense trade?
  • Where can I get a copy of the annual report to Congress prepared by BIS?