Validated End User Program FAQs

  • 1. What is the VEU Program?
  • 2. What is the background and purpose of the VEU Program?
  • 3. Where can I find the list of qualified VEUs?
  • 4. Who may apply for the VEU program?
  • 5. Can anything be shipped under Authorization VEU?
  • 6. What items may not be shipped under Authorization VEU?
  • 7. What is the difference between a “Validated End-User” and an “Eligible Destination”?
  • 8. Is the VEU program right for my organization?
  • 9. Why are VEU eligible destinations restricted to China and India?
  • 10. How do organizations apply for VEU?
  • 11. What are the requirements of the VEU program?
  • 12. What are the compliance requirements of the VEU program?
  • 13. To what address should VEU applications be submitted?
  • 14. How long does qualification under Authorization VEU last?
  • 15. Do qualified VEUs have to report material changes to BIS? What happens when they do?
  • 16. Can a qualified VEU request changes to its VEU authorization?
  • 17. How often is the list of qualified VEUs updated?
  • 18. How often does the U.S. Government interact with participants in the VEU program?
  • 19. Can Authorization VEU only be used to export items from the United States?
  • 20. Can I use Authorization VEU to export to an entity whose name is on the VEU list if it is not located at the same address(es) as listed in the EAR?
  • 21. If an item subject to the EAR has been legally shipped to a VEU-eligible country, can it be transferred under authorization VEU within that country to a different eligible destination?
  • 22. Can I ship items not listed under “Eligible Items” in Supplement No. 7 to Part 748 to a VEU?
  • 23. What happens if the EAR requirements on an item that previously was authorized under Authorization VEU are lessened or eliminated?
  • 24. How is the VEU program administered?
  • 25. Where can I find the End-User Review Committee Procedures?
  • 26. Why does it take the ERC so long to process VEU applications?
  • 27. Can an applicant ask the ERC to reconsider a decision with respect to the prospective VEU at issue? If so, how?
  • 28. Does the U.S. Government cooperate with the governments of VEU-approved countries to implement the VEU program?
  • 29. Who should I contact if I have more questions about the VEU program?

Embassy FAQs

  • What licensing requirements and/or license exceptions may apply to commercial shipments of items subject to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to U.S. Embassies located outside of the United States?
  • Is a shipment to an Army Post Office (APO) or Fleet Post Office (FPO) considered an export?
  • When exporting or reexporting to a non-U.S. Embassy located outside the United States, which country is used in the determination of the licensing requirements?
  • Does it matter if a shipment to an embassy would require a license if it were instead being shipped to the home country of such embassy?
  • Is License Exception GOV available for exports to non-U.S. Embassies outside the United States?
  • What if the host country of a non-U.S. embassy is subject to multilateral or unilateral economic sanctions, such as Cuba or Sudan?
  • What if the embassy of a country subject to multilateral or unilateral economic sanctions is located in a country subject to less stringent export controls, for example the Cuban Embassy in France?


  • What do I need for access to SNAP-R?
  • What are the minimum system requirements to access SNAP-R?
  • How do I obtain a Company Identification Number (CIN)?
  • How do I activate a user account or add a new one?
  • Is SNAP-R secure?
  • What happened to PINs and the term “PIN holders”?
  • What happened to the Company (First Party) and Third Party Certification Letters?
  • What is a “First Party”?
  • What is a “Third Party”?
  • How are “Third Party” submissions handled now that all new companies registering on-line are considered “First Party”?
  • I see the term “Work Item” being used often in the SNAP-R documentation and in the application itself. What is a Work Item?
  • I notice that you ask for a valid email address as part of my User Profile. How do you use this information?
  • Is the messaging system secure?
  • How do I contact the SNAP-R Help Desk?
  • What is a SNAP-R Account Administrator?
  • Can a SNAP-R Account Administrator reassign work-items?
  • Is there a limit to the number of SNAP-R Account Administrators?
  • Why is SNAP-R saying I need someone from my company to accept the role of “SNAP-R Account Administrator”?
  • Why isn’t SNAP-R letting me into my account; it’s saying I need someone from my company to accept the role of “SNAP-R Account Administrator”?
  • I have accepted the role of account administrator but I can’t change any of the users email addresses, reset passwords, or terminate accounts. Why?
  • Someone claimed the administrator role without proper authority. What should I do?
  • Our only company administrator left. What should I do?
  • I already have valid SNAP-R account credentials, consisting of Applicant ID and PIN (via the old registration process). Do I need to reregister with BIS in order to obtain access to SNAP-R?
  • I forgot my Login ID or password. How do I regain access to my SNAP-R account?
  • What do I do if I forgot my CIN?
  • I know that the EAR forbids the sharing of SNAP-R account information. I am going on vacation, and there are a few Work Items I have created that have not been submitted to BIS. Is there a way for me to grant other SNAP-R users within my company permission to edit and/or submit these Work Items to BIS?
  • An employee who was an active SNAP-R user has suddenly left the company. The EAR requires exporters to inform BIS in the event of the termination of a SNAP-R user so that the user account can be disabled. However, we need to be able to access all draft and submitted Work Items created by that user. How will SNAP-R address this issue?
  • My company has moved to another location within the same state and I need to update my SNAP-R account. What do I need to do?
  • My company has moved to another state and I need to update my SNAP-R account. What do I need to do?
  • My company’s name has changed; the first letter of the new name remains the same as the first letter of the old name (e.g., from Intelligent Imaging Systems to International Biometrics Corporation). What do I need to do to update my SNAP-R account?
  • My company’s name has changed; the first letter of the old and new name are different (e.g., from Goldstar Corp., to Star Technology). What do I need to do to update my SNAP-R account?
  • What information is required if I only need a company identification number (CIN)?
  • I’ve registered but never received an email. What should I do?
  • My registration says it has expired. Why and what should I do?
  • What kinds of messages can BIS send to me?
  • Why does SNAP-R limit number of messages from Exporters to Licensing Officers?
  • I understand that SNAP-R allows a user to upload documents and attach them to Work Items or message responses. What formats does BIS currently accept?
  • I have submitted an application and later I realized I made a mistake on the application form. Can I correct the mistake?
  • I have submitted an application and later I realized I forgot to attach supporting documents. Can I provide these to BIS?
  • Can I reuse the information I entered in a previously submitted application to avoid reentering all of that data? I routinely submit applications that contain the same information.
  • Can I reuse a document I submitted previously for other export related applications?
  • I made changes to a Work Item before leaving my desk for an extended period of time. When I came back and I clicked on a button, my browser returned to the SNAP-R homepage. What happened? Can I recover the changes I made? Were they saved?
  • What kind of help is available for SNAP-R, and where can I find help information?
  • I have read the help document but I still have questions, or I have encountered an error while using SNAP-R. How can I contact BIS for assistance?
  • How do I get access rights to Work Items reassigned and/or inactivate user accounts?
  • What Identification Number should I communicate to BIS when I have a question regarding a prior Work Item submission?
  • I am the parent of a worldwide multinational company. I would like to submit applications on behalf of my subsidiaries? How can I accomplish this through SNAP-R?
  • When should I utilize Block 10 (Resubmission ACN) on the BIS-748P?
  • How should a Third Party submitter acquire a First Party’s CIN?
  • Can a Third Party foreign company submit an Export License Application?