Office of Enforcement Analysis (OEA)



The Office of Enforcement Analysis (OEA) supports the Export Enforcement (EE) mission by evaluating all-source information, including publicly available and government-privileged information, to:

  1. Provide information to BIS and the interagency export control community to inform adjudication of export control license applications;
  2. Promote U.S. exports by preventing the diversion or misuse of export controlled items abroad through end-use checks, outreach, and cooperation with foreign governments
  3. Identify potential violators of export control laws that imperil U.S. national security;
  4. Support law enforcement actions that could result in both criminal and civil penalties, thereby encouraging compliance with the U.S. export control regime.

OEA is headed by a Director, Kevin J. Kurland, a Deputy Director, and four division directors. The four OEA divisions include the Investigative Analysis Division (IAD), the International Operations Division (IOD), the Strategic Intelligence Division (SID), and the Export Control Officer Program (ECO Program).


Kevin J. Kurland, Director                              Mark D. Roberts, Deputy Director
Office of Enforcement Analysis        Office of Enforcement Analysis
U.S. Department of Commerce U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 4065 Room 4066
Washington, DC 20230 Washington, DC 20230
Tel. 202-482-4255 Tel. 202-482-9163
Fax 202-482-0971 Fax 202-482-0971

Would you like to work in the Office of Enforcement Analysis?

The Office of Enforcement Analysis (OEA) supports the Export Enforcement (EE) mission by evaluating all sources of information, including publicly available and government-privileged information to:

  1. Provide information to BIS and the interagency export control community to inform adjudication of export control license applications;
  2. Identify potential violators of export control laws that imperil U.S. national security;
  3. Support law enforcement actions that could result in both criminal and civil penalties, thereby encouraging compliance with the U.S. export control regime; and
  4. Promote U.S. exports by preventing the diversion or misuse of export controlled items abroad through end-use checks, outreach, and cooperation with foreign governments.

OEA analysts perform research and analysis to identify instances of diversion and persons involved in the diversion of U.S. items for unauthorized purposes, and works within BIS and with other agencies to impair, impede, and prevent the diversion or misuse of export-controlled items. OEA's focus is on uncovering the diversion of items that relate to top-tier national security threats, such as Weapons of Mass Destruction proliferators, terrorist groups or state supporters of terrorism, and potential adversary states.

The skills required to serve as an OEA intelligence or enforcement analyst include the ability to:

  • Conduct all-source research pursuant to obtaining all relevant information against an assigned target.
  • Utilize office suite computer applications and master multiple database and computer systems for recordation, analysis, targeting, and exposition.
  • Work effectively and in coordination with other highly-trained professionals in BIS, other law enforcement, intelligence, defense, diplomatic, and regulatory agencies, and embassies abroad.
  • Communicate accurately, concisely, and cogently in writing and speech.
  • Have or be eligible to obtain the highest-level security clearances.

If you have these skills and abilities and seek the challenge of the OEA mission, click here to be taken to USAJobs to search for positions within OEA as they are posted and apply.

  • If no jobs are listed, also try searching for "BIS" and enter job series "0132" or "1801" in the job series search box.