
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
 Spirit of Enterprise Award - 2008, 2009

The Coalition for Medicare Choices
 The Medicare Choices Leadership Award

International Food Distributors Association,
 Thomas Jefferson Award - 2008

National Federation of Independent Business
 Guardian of Small Business - 2005

National Taxpayers Union
Taxpayers Friend - 2007, 2008, 2009 
  Graded “A” – 2007, 2008, 2009

Americans for Tax Reform
 Hero of the Taxpayer Award - 2007

Christian Coalition of Ohio
 Defender of Christian Values Award - 2004

Ohio Right to Life Society
 Defender of Life Award - 1998

United Conservatives of Ohio 
 Watch Dog of the Treasury, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2006 
  Outstanding Legislator Award, 2004 
  Outstanding Freshman Legislator Award, 1996 
  Pro Life Award, United Conservatives of Ohio, 1998

National Clergy Office
 Ten Commandments Project - 2008

American Conservative Union
 Best & Brightest - 2007
 Defender of Liberty - 2008

National Write Your Congressman
 Constituent Communication Award – 2008

Club for Growth
 Defender of Economic Freedom – 2009
 Lifetime Rating: 97%

National Tax Limitation Committee
 Tax Fighter Award, 110th Congress
 Tax Fighter Award, 111th Congress 

Family Research Council Action
 True Blue Award, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

JVS, Outstanding Service Award (Supporting Vocational Education) 

The Medicare Choices Leadership Award 

Ohio State Senate Resolution, Special Recognition for Outstanding Service, 2006
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    1524 Longworth House Office Bldg Washington, D.C. 20515 T (202) 225-2676 F (202) 226-0577
    3121 West Elm Plaza Lima, OH 45805 T (419) 999-6455 F (419) 999-4238