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NOAA Economic Report and Infographics

The NOAA Report on the Ocean and Great Lakes Economy of the United States examines the critically important economic contributions of the oceans and Great Lakes. The report presents data from the NOAA Coastal Services Center’s Economics: National Ocean Watch (ENOW) dataset. Included are a variety of infographics, or visual representations of the data, at the national, regional, and state levels. 

To Obtain These Products

Download a PDF copy of the national report
Download PDF copies of all national infographics (zip file)
Download PDF copies of all regional infographics (zip file)
Download PDF copies of all state infographics (zip file)

Additional Assistance and Information

For more information on the data used in this report, visit the ENOW Support Page. The NOAA Coastal Services Center also offers economic expertise and advice on a wide variety of issues. Services include assistance in interpreting economic studies and guidance in designing a study or writing a proposal for economic work under contract.