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CTX Payments

Revised Input Formats (for offset)

1. ASC X12 820 Payment Orders - used to generate CTX payments

820 Vendor Payment Order (for offset)PDF File (82 kb)

2. Flat File Payment Order - also used to generate CTX payments. The Flat File Payment Order is for non EDI-capable agencies.

Vendor Payments (for offset)PDF File (35 kb)

Child Support Deductions (for offset)PDF File (37 kb)

Allotments and Deductions (for offset)PDF File (35 kb)

Allotments for Long Term Care Insurance (for offset)PDF File (41 kb)

Input Formats

1. ASC X12 820 Payment Orders - used to generate CTX payments

820 Vendor Payment OrderPDF File (86 kb)

820 Reference Chart
PDF FilePDF File (14 kb) | Text FileText File

820 Child Support DeductionsPDF File (38 kb)

820 Allotment Payments for Long Term CarePDF File (37 kb)

2. Flat File Payment Order - also used to generate CTX payments. The Flat File Payment Order is for non EDI-capable agencies.

Vendor Payments
Input, Output and Data Examples

Child Support Deductions
Input, Output and Data Examples
Child Support Background

Allotments and Deductions
Input, Output and Data Examples

Allotments for Long Term Care Insurance

   Last Updated:  March 08, 2011

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