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Federal Election Commission

Disclosure Data Weblog

We've begun posting detailed data from electioneering communications filings on the ftp server - ec_exp_2010.csv or ec_exp_2010.txt. (We have some background on this activity and the reporting system.) We'll be posting this file on the same schedule we're using for independent expenditures - a new version at the start of each business day and another one late in the afternoon (eastern time).[Read More]

Detailed candidate disbursement files should now be posted on May 11.[Read More]

We're working on the front end for detailed candidate disbursement files, and we'd like to get your feedback.  Take a look at these screenshots and let us know what you think.[Read More]

When you're looking at the new data formats at data.fec.gov, be sure to play with the "Customize Data" button that appears to the right of the format options after you've clicked on a specific file.

This feature is intended to help you focus on a subset of campaigns or committees.  The Leadership PAC list, for example, allows for searches for specific sponsors (i.e. members or candidates who sponsor the PAC) or just those committees that have raised or spent more than some threshold amount that you can choose.

You could do this yourself with the data from the files themselves, but sometimes the volume of data may make it better to narrow the focus before you download the data. 

Let us know if there are other search options that would be helpful for these files.