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Project 25 Documents & Standards Reference

Revised Jan 29, 2013
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Standards Completion

For most cases, a P25 interface, service, or equipment standard is not complete until all documents that provide the Overview, the Protocol Specifications, the Protocol Conformance Test Procedures, the Measurements Methods, the Performance Recommendations, and the Interoperability Test Procedures are published or are approved for publication by the appropriate TIA TR-8.n committee.

However, because constant change is the nature of technology, standards are, in truth, never complete. Standards development is in fact, a living process. This is a practical result since there will be design improvements in the protocols, which will require changes to the protocol specifications (sometimes after products are developed or implemented). Similarly, the development of new technologies or the enactment of new regulations will cause users to modify their requirements, which results in new specification and testing standards. Thus, P25 standards will not remain fixed but will evolve with time and circumstances.