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23rd Annual Government Financial Management Conference Service
Financial Management Conference
August 19-21, 2013
Cost - $300.00

The 2013 FMS Financial Management Conference planning is well under way. This three day event will be held on August 19, 20, and 21, 2013, in a downtown Washington, D.C., facility. At a later date we will update our website to give you the exact location of the conference. The price will be $300.00 to attend. All conference registrations must be performed by visiting our website (, electronically filling out the conference enrollment page, and then paying the enrollment fee by using either a government or personal credit card. We do not accept any other methods of enrollment or payment. Paid attendees are asked to bring with you to the conference a copy of your credit card payment receipt and present that to our staff during the first morning of the conference during on-site conference sign-in and receive your conference name badge. If your unit credit card holder pays your enrollment fee, then obtain a copy of the credit card payment confirmation from them and bring it with you. Your conference name badge must be worn at all times during the conference.

A dramatic, innovative, and exciting federal financial management agenda is being planned for our 2013 conference. All presentations will be made by federal financial management experts from Treasury Fiscal Service, Treasury Financial Management Service, The Bureau of the Public Debt, Office of Management and Budget, Congress, and Chief Financial Officers. The latest financial subjects and information that impacts your agency and your job will be available. The conference agenda and schedule of events will be posted to our website ( prior July 2013. It is recommended that you print a copy of the conference agenda from our website and bring that with you to the conference.

Past track record reflects that this important federal financial management conference will be sold out prior to the event taking place. It is therefore highly recommended that you do not wait to register for the event; or, risk the possibility that your enrollment request be denied because we have reached maximum facility seating capacity for the event.

You will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of federal financial management tracks, breakout sessions, and speaker presentations at the conference. You will hear the latest developments and improvements in federal financial management practices, systems, and operations. Your opportunities to network with key players will be endless. And, you will have abundant time to interrelate with constituent agency financial employees.

We look forward to your enrolling, paying, and attending the upcoming 23rd Annual Financial Management Service Government Financial Management Conference. For more conference related information read our FY2013 Training & Education Catalog, @

   Last Updated:  December 12, 2012

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