03 January 2011

U.S. Condemns Attacks in Egypt, Nigeria, Iraq

Close-up of President Obama (AP Images)
President Obama condemns attacks in Egypt, Iraq and Nigeria.

Washington — President Obama and other U.S. government officials condemned deadly terrorist bombings that targeted Christians in Egypt and Iraq and people gathering in Nigeria for New Year’s celebrations.

Obama denounced an attack on a church in Alexandria, Egypt, calling the bombing that killed 21 people and wounded several dozen more “barbaric and heinous” in a January 1 statement.

“The perpetrators of this attack were clearly targeting Christian worshipers, and have no respect for human life and dignity,” Obama said. ”They must be brought to justice.”

Both Christians and Muslims were injured in the church bombing. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the United States extends “deepest condolences to the victims and loved ones of those injured and killed from both Christian and Muslim communities.”

Toner said the United States joins Iraqi officials in condemning recent violence against Christians in Iraq.

“President Talabani, Prime Minister Maliki, and virtually every political bloc and major religious leader in Iraq have denounced attacks on Christians and stressed the centrality of Christians in the fabric of Iraqi society,” Toner said.

He commended the Iraqi government for increasing security measures to protect Christian communities after an October 31 suicide bombing attack on an Iraqi church, and called for the government to “redouble its efforts to protect Christians and apprehend the terrorists who are behind these acts.”

Obama also denounced an attack near an army barracks in Abuja, Nigeria, which he said killed at least 20 people and wounded many more.

“Killing innocent civilians who were simply gathering — like so many people around the world — to celebrate the beginning of a new year further demonstrates the bankrupt vision of those who carry out these attacks,” the president said.

He said the United States is ready to offer assistance to the Nigerian and Egyptian governments as they work to bring the perpetrators to justice.

“We stand with the Nigerian and Egyptian people at this difficult time,” Obama said.

(This is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://www.america.gov)

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