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Agriculture Services

Foreign Agricultural Service

The Foreign Agricultural Service Logo

FAS Logo

The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) office in Prague represents the interests of U.S. agriculture in the Czech Republic and is part of the regional office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture based in Warsaw.

FAS Prague assists U.S. companies interested in the Czech Republic by locating agents, distributors, importers and associations. FAS also lobbies the Czech government to ensure that U.S. agricultural exporters are treated fairly.

FAS Prague conducts market research and reports on agricultural commodities and food products in the Czech Republic. Our Market Briefs focus on specific products and include information on domestic production, foreign competition, distribution, prices, regulations, import tariffs, and important contacts in the Czech Republic. Similar Reports are prepared also by the FAS U.S. Mission to the European Union.

FAS promotes U.S. food products by organizing various events like seminars or tastings.

If you are interested in importing U.S. agricultural or food products, you can find your new supplier in our U.S. Supplier List database. Additionally we can help you to find a supplier using Custom Matchmaking Service

One of the goals of FAS Prague is to provide information on U.S. agriculture and its most modern technologies. A lot of useful information you can obtain from our website or from other sources recommended in the Information Sources section of this website.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

  • U.S. Department of Agriculture

    Visit the U.S. Department of Agriculture website to learn more about agriculture in the U.S.

Embassy Vegetable Garden

  • Garden Promotes Sustainable Agricultural Practices Embassy People's Garden Promotes Community Gardening